xhulian hysollari


Letztes Update: 17.04.2019

Fullstack Developer

Abschluss: Bachelor of Software Engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Italienisch (gut)



Experienced Full Stack Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the outsourcing/offshoring industry. Skilled in PHP, Java, .NET Framework, ELM, and HTML. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Computer Software Engineering from Canadian Institute of Technology.


My programming experience outside of university scope, started with Societe Generale Bank of Albania, where I completed a 3 month internship. My task during the internship was to create a KPI monitoring and reporting system for the bank managers. After that took part in a project with ADISA and Albanian Public Administration Institution. THe product was a wiki service platform, where was stored all the info regarding the services offered by the public administration. Then started working for a swiss company as a Fullstack developer, where my main duties was to build and maintain wordpress, magento, prestashop and laravel projects.


Verfügbar in den Ländern Albanien
Located in Albania, can travel easily in most of europe for 90 days every 180 days.
Profilbild von xhulian hysollari Fullstack Developer aus Fullstack Developer