Profilbild von Gregor Taetzner Web Fullstackentwicklung, Softwarearchitektur, SQL und NoSQL DBMS, Realtime Webapps aus Leipzig

Gregor Tätzner

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Letztes Update: 12.04.2022

Web Fullstackentwicklung, Softwarearchitektur, SQL und NoSQL DBMS, Realtime Webapps

Abschluss: Master of Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Hello, my name is Gregor Tätzner. I\'m a passionate software developer from Leipzig, Germany and like exploring new technologies. You can talk to me in german or english. I care about web/cloud systems, software architecture and cognitive computing! You can find my skills and experiences down below. Feel free to contact me by any time, if you have any questions or ideas!

I\'m familiar with these technologies: Html 5, CSS 3, Javascript, Typescript, AngularJS 2, VueJS, Gulp, Sass/Less, C++, PHP, Elixir, Python, Bash, Jenkins, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Docker, RPM, AWS, Git, Mercurial, SVN, Google Analytics, OOP, Symfony, Laravel, Facebook Graph API, Responsive Design, Rest, Soap, Linked Data, Semantic Web


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Profilbild von Gregor Taetzner Web Fullstackentwicklung, Softwarearchitektur, SQL und NoSQL DBMS, Realtime Webapps aus Leipzig Web Fullstackentwicklung, Softwarearchitektur, SQL und NoSQL DBMS, Realtime Webapps