Profilbild von Gang Tan Senior Mobile Expert aus shenyang

Gang Tan


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Senior Mobile Expert

Firma: Individual
Abschluss: Master's degree, Business/Commerce, General; Master's degree, Transportation/Mobility Management
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (gut)



Java, Retrofit, sqlite, video streaming, sensor, Realm, Bluetooth, API, GPS, math, ReactJS, Kotlin, VueJS, Symfony, MySql, Oracle, WebSocket, MongoDB, JavaScript, Jquery, BootStrap, AngularJS, NodeJs, C, C++, C#, Restful API, XML, Git, MVVM, Laravel, OkHttp, ReacJS


04/2019 - 11/2019
Trip Tracker GPS
Duo Pisceses Inc

Calculate the distance and speed according to different type (for example,
hiking, walking, running, cycling, driving, boating, train, bus, flying), google
map integrateing with current location. Technolog stack: Java, google
map, math

08/2018 - 10/2018
Winspector Company

Share to the users to take the photo in any place with location. Technology
stack: Java, Retrofit, sqlite, location, camera


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Profilbild von Gang Tan Senior Mobile Expert aus shenyang Senior Mobile Expert