Profilbild von Younes Bouqayoua Senior Consultant Data Science/Machine Learning, Automation, ETL aus Meerbusch

Younes Bouqayoua


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Senior Consultant Data Science/Machine Learning, Automation, ETL

Firma: NeuroAI Consulting GmbH
Abschluss: Master of Science - Wirtschaftsmathematik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (gut)


Analytics, Machine Learning, Algorithmen, Datenanalyse, Datenbanken, VBA, SQL, ETL, Computer Science, Python, Excel, Java, HTML, C


06/2019 - bis jetzt
Senior Consultant Data Scientist
KPMG (Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

- Entwicklung und Implementierung von fortgeschrittenen Data Science Lösungen
- Analyse, Transformation und Zusammenführung verschiedener Datenquellen
- Analyse von Anwendungspotentialen von Machine Learning und Optimierungsproblemen

09/2018 - 06/2019
Working Student, Data & Analytics - Financial Services

KPMG AG (Cologne)
- Collaboration in solution developments for further consulting projects
- Preparation of presentations for client meetings and the communication with them
- Several data analysis and research in actuarial topics for possible project opportunities

10/2016 - 03/2018
Working Student, Life/Health - Research & Development
General Reinsurance AG

General Reinsurance AG (Cologne)
- Development of ETL-Tools in VBA
- Analysis and transformation of different databases with SQL
- Several data analysis and calculations for the pricing actuaries

04/2016 - 10/2016
Academic Tutor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Cologne

University of Cologne
- Correction and valuation of weekly exercise sheets
- Weekly presentation of the solutions
- Support of the students in exam preparation and answer of questions


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Profilbild von Younes Bouqayoua Senior Consultant Data Science/Machine Learning, Automation, ETL aus Meerbusch Senior Consultant Data Science/Machine Learning, Automation, ETL