Profilbild von Wilhelm Spalinger SAP Hybris / SAP Commerce / Senior Java Developer aus Wetzikon

Wilhelm Spalinger


Letztes Update: 31.10.2023

SAP Hybris / SAP Commerce / Senior Java Developer

Abschluss: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (verhandlungssicher)




Senior Software Consultant and Architect with 10+ years of experience in various projects. Ensuring customer-oriented solutions and active customer care.
Experienced in the roles and responsibility of requirement engineering, system design and architecture, development, technical team leadership, technical consulting, client communication, testing, training and deployment/maintenance.
Fast learning ability and the need for constant further development. Geared to earnings and contribution margins (win-win position for customer and company). Analytical and structured approach to work. Confident and communicative appearance with the customer. Responsible, inde- pendent planner who acts in a customer- and company-oriented manner. Conscientious, motivated, committed and resilient employees. Communicate actively and cooperate constructively, yet I can still have my own opinion. Friendly and loyal behaviour towards employees and superiors.
Ability to inspire people and win them over to a cause. I am persistent, reliable and willing to perform.


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Senior Software Consultant and Architect with 10+ years of experience in various projects. Ensuring customer-oriented solutions and active customer care.
Experienced in the roles and responsibility of requirement engineering, system design and architecture, development, technical team leadership, technical consulting, client communication, testing, training and deployment/maintenance.
Fast learning ability and the need for constant further development. Geared to earnings and contribution margins (win-win position for customer and company). Analytical and structured approach to work. Confident and communicative appearance with the customer. Responsible, inde- pendent planner who acts in a customer- and company-oriented manner. Conscientious, motivated, committed and resilient employees. Communicate actively and cooperate constructively, yet I can still have my own opinion. Friendly and loyal behaviour towards employees and superiors.
Ability to inspire people and win them over to a cause. I am persistent, reliable and willing to perform.
Profilbild von Wilhelm Spalinger SAP Hybris / SAP Commerce / Senior Java Developer aus Wetzikon SAP Hybris / SAP Commerce / Senior Java Developer