Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Software Architect (Spring Framework)

Letztes Update: 29.02.2024

Software Architect (Spring Framework)

Abschluss: Diplom Ingenieurinformatik, spez. Software Engineering und Kommunikationsnetze
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Certifications and Trainings:
TOGAF 9 Enterprise Architect, Oracle JavaEE Certified Master, additional courses on software & enterprise architecture, Spring, UML etc.

Languages & Frameworks:
Java & Spring Framework (2.0 - 6), Spring Boot (1.x-3.2), Spring CloudSpring Security, Spring Dynamic Modules, Spring Webflow, Spring Data, Spring Integration, Spring-WS, Spring Loaded, Spring HATEOAS, Netflix OSS, Spring Rest Docs, Web technologies with Thymeleaf, JSP/Facelets/JSF (1.1 - 2.3), AJAX, Richfaces, IceFaces, Primefaces, Vaadin, JavaScript, ExtJS, Google Dart, Google FlutterReact, AngularJS, Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, Vue.js, Yeoman with friends like Bower & Grunt, CSS, Java Enterprise J2EE1.4 – JavaEE7, JPA2 / Hibernate 3-6, Adobe Flex Framework with BlazeDS and GraniteDS, ActionScript3, MXML, Android Development, React Native, JavaFX 1.2 - 2.0, Asciidoc, DocBook, FreeMarker, XML/XSLT, xdoc, RESTful Level-3 API design with HATEOAS, PL/SQL, Oracle 9/10, pgSQL, C, php4, Delphi, Pascal, CoDeSys, AWL on CL300 PC600 S5 S7 Fanuc, OPCUA

Environments / Platforms:
AWS Fargate, AWS EKS, Azure AKS, Azure Spring Cloud, Azure Identity Services, Openshift, ELK, OSGi Framework, Apache Tomcat, SpringSource dmServer, CloudFoundry on Pivotal, Swisscom DevCloud and IBM Bluemix Cloud, Cloudbees, HerokuRabbitMQ, MongoDB, Oracle Glassfish v2.1/v3.2.2, RedHat JBoss 4.0.3/5.1, Hudson / Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, CruiseControl, BugZilla, Polarion ALM, Atlassian Suite, m68k, Arduino with XBee, GitHub Project:
Maven Central:

Analysis, Design & Methodologies:
Modelling/Methodologies UML/MDA/MDSD/DSL, Eclipse EMF Ecore/Xpand and Xtend/Xtext, XP and Scrum

Favorite OS / Tools:
Ubuntu Linux, Mac OSX, VisualParadigm, MagicDraw UML, Sparx Enterprise Architect, JetBrains IntelliJ and Webstorm, Eclipse IDE, Adobe Flex Builder, Apache Maven & Ant, Maven Plugin Dev, SVN, Git, CMMI, XMLMind, OpenOffice, Gimp and other OSS, Visual Code


01/2022 - bis jetzt
CORREN SA (>10.000 Mitarbeiter) was asked to install and adopt to a completely new warehouse control system. Before that, has been used for automated warehouses already but didn't take over the role of the PLC/IPC. In this project and the realised OPCUA driver, is capable to control the memory of OLC/IPC directly

10/2018 - 04/2022
Establishing at BMW Group AG

- Convincing BMW AG that is the best solution for their internal automated warehouses
- Building up the development team and the development process. We were an absolutely heterogenous team, and it was great to define the process of software development within automated warehouses

06/2016 - 06/2017
Migration of NZV to GPP (Credit Suisse) GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

The goal was to migrate the payment system of a financial institute from the traditional IBM mainfraime system to a more modern client server application landscape. As as second step the financial institute required to change the development process. In this role I took care about the development lifecycle.


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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Software Architect (Spring Framework) Software Architect (Spring Framework)