Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Software Engineer / Architect

Letztes Update: 01.05.2024

Software Engineer / Architect

Firma: Kazama GmbH
Abschluss: Ph.D.
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (gut) | Niederländisch (gut)


Programming Languages
Java                                                                                                                 Senior
Python, Matlab, C/C++, Shell, C#                                                                       Professional
Fortran, Clojure, JavaScript                                                                                Junior
Area of Expertise
Pharmaceutical, Industry, Research, IoT, Cloud                                                  Senior
Automotive, Fluidmechanics, Multiphysics, Cloud, Gaming                                  Professional
Electronics                                                                                                        Junior
Development Environment
Eclipse, IntelliJ                                                                                                  Senior
Visual Studio, VS Code, PyCharm, Matlab                                                          Professional
Android Studio, WebStorm                                                                                Junior
Software Engineering
Algorithms, Cloud                                                                                              Senior
Data Structures, Security, Networking                                                                Professional
Multithreading, Cache-Friendliness, Framework Development, Persistence          Junior
UML, Dependency Analysis/Management, Modular Design, Design Pattern, Clean Code/OOAD, Interface Design, Static Code Analysis, Code Metrics, CppDepend, Cloud, Security                                                                              Professional
Best Practices, Code Ownership, Enterprise Architect, Architectural Styles, Infrastructure as Code        Junior
Frameworks / Libraries
JUnit, boost, STL, Regular Expressions, Spring Boot, Unity                                 Professional
Mockito, Easymock, Apache Commons, slf4j, log4j, Python unittest, Auth0           Junior
AWS (EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, Elasticsearch, VPC, Cognito, RDS, IAM)          Professional
Cloudformation, Terraform, OpenShift                                                                Junior
Continuous Integration / Build Tools
SVN, Git, GitLab, Jenkins                                                                                  Professional
Maven, CMake, Incredibuild, Bitbucket                                                               Junior
Swing                                                                                                               Professional
AWT, Qt, VueJS,                                                                               Junior
Server & Databases
PostgreSQL                                                                                                      Professional
SQLite, Elasticsearch, Kibana                                                                            Junior
Requirements Engineering / Development processes
Scrum, Requirements analysis/specification, SAFe                                             Professional
RUP, Systems modeling, TDD, Jira                                                                     Junior
Test Engineering
Unit-Tests, Integration-tests, E2E Tests                                                              Senior
Test-Automation                                                                                               Junior
XML, RESTful APIs, JSON, YML                                                                        Professional
CSV, mqtt                                                                                                         Junior
Operating Systems
Windows, iOS, Linux, Docker                                                                             Professional
Android                                                                                                             Junior


09/2019 - bis jetzt
Software Engineer / Architect (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Architecture, implementation, testing, strategy

Details:                    eSports platform for unity games on Android and iOS, Webpage, Player management, Analytics, Gameplay.

Technology:            Unity, C#, PlayFab,, JavaScript.

Project team size:    2-3

05/2019 - 03/2020
Software Engineer / DevOps Cloud
Bruker Switzerland AG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Implementation, architecture, testing, DevOps

Details:                    Deployment to cloud. Setup CI/CD pipeline, REST API. Cloud security, IoT security, Testing pyramid.

Technology:            Java, Spring Boot, AWS, ElasticBeanstalk, Jenkins, CloudWatch, PostgreSQL.

Project team size:    5-7

08/2017 - 04/2019
Software Engineer / Architect Cloud
Siemens Building Technologies (Internet und Informationstechnologie, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Implementation, architecture, testing, DevOps

Details:                    Deployment to cloud. Logging / metrics. Cloud security, IoT security, Testing pyramid. Software for IoT device. CI/CD.

Technology:            Java, Docker, Spring Boot, AWS, Elasticsearch, Kibana, OpenShift, NodeJS, VueJS, GitLab, Linux, Filebeat, Metricbeat, Shell.

Project team size:    25-30

11/2016 - 07/2017
Software Engineer
Bruker Switzerland AG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Implementation, requirement analysis, testing

Details:                    Improvement of several GUI components. Model-View-Presenter Pattern (Unit-Testability)

Technology:            Java, Swing, AWT, JUnit, Mockito, IntelliJ, Git, Jira, UML, Bitbucket, Source Tree.

Project team size:    2-3


Tasks:                     Idea, concept, supervision of prototype development

Details:                    Modularization of Java source code (2.5 Mio LOC). Dependency-Analysis. Supervision of prototype development

Technology:            Java, Maven, Ant, IntelliJ, Git, Jira, Jenkins, UML

Project team size:    2-3

04/2014 - 10/2016
Software Architect
AutoForm (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Concept, Implementation

Details:                    Restructuring of a large codebase (3 Mio LOC) into modules including change of C++ include paths. Development of a concept for modular architecture of existing large monolithic codebase (interface-design, dependency-rules). Creation of Architectural Description of modular architecture.

Technology:            C++, Python, UML, CMake, SVN, CppDepend, Visual Studio


Tasks:                     Concept, implementation, testing

Details:                    Concept and implementation of framework for GUI menu items making it modular for different applications and different components. Use of Model-View-Presenter und Bridge Pattern.

Technology:            UML, Enterprise Architect, C++, Qt, Visual Studio


Tasks:                     Concept/leading of workshops for developers

Details:                    Introduction to architecture for new developers. Internal workshops for entire development team (best practice, clean code). Single Responsibility Principle, Observer Pattern using boost::signals.

Technology:            C++, boost

Project team size:    1-2 (Number of attendants: up to 60)

04/2013 - 03/2014
Software Engineer
AutoForm (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Concept, Implementation

Details:                    Elaboration and implementation of concept for better representation of physical laws and real conditions for deep drawing process.

Technology:            C, Linux, Eclipse

Project team size:    1-2

07/2008 - 01/2013
Software Engineer
Bruker Switzerland AG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Concept, Implementation, testing

Details:                    Implementation of different algorithms to analyze 1D NMR spectra. Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Ant Colony, Genetic Algorithm (Travelling Salesman Problem). Elaboration of evaluation function for optimization algorithm based on physical and chemical laws.

Technology:            Java, JUnit, Easymock, Eclipse, SVN

Project team size:    1-4


Tasks:                     Implementation, testing

Details:                    Quantum mechanical simulation of NMR experiment with non-standard pulses.

Technology:            Matlab

Project team size:    1-2

05/2005 - 05/2008
PhD Student, Research Assistant
ETH Zurich (Öffentlicher Dienst, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Tasks:                     Concept, implementation

Details:                    Post-processing of data from CFD-Simulations (incl. chemical reactions und energy balance).

Technology:            Matlab, Linux, CFD-ACE

Project team size:    1-2


Tasks:                     Implementation

Details:                    Concept and implementation of subroutines in Fortran for CFD-simulation.

Technology:            Fortran, Linux, CFD-ACE

Project team size:    1-2



Verfügbar in den Ländern Schweiz
Raum Zürich, Schweiz.
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Software Engineer / Architect Software Engineer / Architect