
Letztes Update: 05.02.2023

Senior Entwickler

Abschluss: Diplom-Informatiker
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (Grundkenntnisse) | Russisch (Grundkenntnisse)


Golang, Python, Nim, Java, C# (.NET Core), Object Pascal/Delphi

Kenntnisse / Erfahrungen
Microservices, Cloud-Architektur, Blockchain, Cross Platform, Desktop Applikationen, Messaging
Qt5, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, NoSQL, Linux, Azure, AWS, Java Spring


Data logging and visualisation with Python, Matplotlib and Qt5 for industrial machinery. 

Smart Objects and Smart Financial Approaches (SOFiA)
SOFiA is a german research project promoted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Securing the Financial Cloud (SFC)
SFC is a german research project promoted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The goal of the project is to design and implement a financial cloud, i.e. transfering highly sensitive financial services into a cloud architecture. One of the project's main goals is a new approach to asymmetric encryption, namely Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) to secure the cloud infrastructure.

Shell Integrated Cash Management (ICM)
Shell offers cash withdrawal services at 1200 petrol stations in germany. 

EasyLink connects multiple laboratory instruments to a single information system, consolidating patient and quality control (QC) data management and providing web-based access to data from chemistry, immunoassay, and hemostasis instruments across the hospital lab and remote locations.

cobas IT 5000 Module DocCard
DocCard allows users to remotely enter orders using a convenient graphical user interface client which can be invoked from within the doctor's office system. Available order forms, individual profiles and the layout of sample labels can easily be managed in the laboratory.


Nur Remote verfügbar
15-20h pro Arbeitswoche, nur Remote

exali IT-Haftpflicht-Siegel (Sondertarif für Freelancermap-Mitglieder)

Das original exali IT-Haftpflicht-Siegel bestätigt dem Auftraggeber, dass die betreffende Person oder Firma eine aktuell gültige branchenspezifische Berufs- bzw. Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung abgeschlossen hat. Diese Versicherung wurde zum Sondertarif für Freelancermap-Mitglieder abgeschlossen.



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