Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Data Engineer, Python Software Engineer and DevOps
nicht verfügbar bis 31.05.2024

Letztes Update: 30.04.2024

Senior Data Engineer, Python Software Engineer and DevOps

Abschluss: Diplom (equiv. M. Sc.) Computer Science/Informatik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




With over 20 years shaping software solutions, Robert excels across diverse landscapes – from startups to corporate titans, tackling challenges both onsite and remotely. He's led the charge in Machine Learning, AI, MLOps, Data Engineering, and DevOps and Python Developments. As a Senior AI Engineer, he steered Autonomous Driving initiatives; as an Engineering Lead, he powered
a Video Streaming Platform. Robert's native languages are German and Python.

Technology Focus
Machine Learning: MLOps and ML Software Engineering, AI/Neural Networks (CV, NLP), Probabilistic Models, Predictive Analytics
Data Engineering: ETL, Data Pipelines, Big Data, Data Lake, Scalability Backend Engineering: REST, Python, API Design, Release Management, Security
DevOps: Multi-Cloud, AWS, Azure, Docker/Containers/Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code, Systems Engineering, Linux Cross-Cutting Concerns: Automated Testing and Reliability (CI/CD, Code Pipelines, Test Driven Development, Reproducibility), Scrum/Agile (Scrum Master, Iterative and Incremental, Lean
Management), Open Source/Free Software


01/2019 - bis jetzt
Lead Data Engineer for Machine Learning / B2B Weather Forecasting Product
Weather Forecasting Platform / Mass Media & Digital Company (MDAX), Munich (Medien und Verlage, 5000-10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Architecture, development and deployment of a large-scale data analytics and forecasting product in a B2B scope (green field). Ingestion of large data sets using Serverless technologies on AWS, definition and training of machine learning models and subsequent application of models to generate insights. Customer-facing REST API, Performance Engineering for High Scalability, CI/CD setup and monitoring in a high availability setting. Data Pipelines and distributed computation on Databricks and AWS EMR (Spark/Pyspark). Production of Weather Indices as subscription service for Business Intelligence and Web Analytics.

Keywords: Python 3, REST, JSON, scikit-learn, NumPy, Scipy, pandas, pytest, DynamoDB, MongoDB, serverless, AWS Lambda, ECS/Docker, SageMaker, EMR, PySpark, Spark, Databricks, Delta Lake, Mlflow, Athena, Hive, Glue, API Gateway, EC2, S3, Atlassian (JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket), git

02/2024 - 05/2024
MLOps implementation for NLP-based API at FinTech Startup
(Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuern und Recht, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Architecture and implementation of an MLOps pipeline using Airflow and AWS SageMaker, facilitating automated and reproducible model training. This pipeline was constructed following a proof of concept and includes automated data preprocessing, training, model testing, model registry, and seamless deployment to a microservice architecture with zero downtime. The system was designed with a focus on auditability, traceability, reproducibility, monitoring, rollback and
canary deployment capabilities, testability (covering both unit and model-level tests), and performance (both measurement and enhancement).

Keywords: Python, Pytorch, transformers, NLP, BERT, Hugging Face, AWS, SageMaker, Airflow,
Kubernetes (k8s), pytest, moto, Docker/Docker-compose, GitLab, Git, Ruff

07/2021 - 01/2024
Senior AI Python Engineer for Python/AI Engineering / Autonomous Vehicle Big Loop Research
Automotive Software/Technology Company (DAX) (Automobil und Fahrzeugbau, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Architecture, Software Engineering and AI/ML Engineering for production grade Machine Learning models to be deployed in vehicles. Development of model and data interfaces, Pipelines to train and evaluate models on the Azure cloud. Conduct ML experiments, generate metrics and track artifacts using Weights and Biases. Quantization and Release for Qualcomm-based embedded platform. Integration within larger group to develop an Active Learning Pipeline for the Big Data Loop using multiple models and to detect and reduce model uncertainty. Quality assurance using
automated tools and pipelines.

Keywords: Python 3, Pytorch, Pytorch lightning, torchvision, Qualcomm/QNN, Weights&Biases (wandb), albumentations, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection, YoloX, torchmetrics , ONNX, OnnxRuntime, OpenCV, Tensorflow, scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas, pytest, Mlflow, Conda, Anaconda, Mamba/Micromamba, Nvidia, CUDA, Azure Cloud, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, Docker, terraform, packer, git, LFS, pre-commit, jupyter

11/2020 - 12/2021
Senior MLOps Engineer for Digital Farming Research Organisation
Digital Farming Solutions / Agronomic Company (DAX), Cologne (Industrie und Maschinenbau, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Architecture and implementation of MLOps process and framework using AWS SageMaker Suite, Step Functions, Lambda, EC2, Hosted Jupyter Notebooks and Docker. The platform is in production today and enables ML model researchers to integrate directly with product teams to reduce deployment time-to-market using automation by reducing overhead and relying on defined model interfaces while improving confidence in and inspectability of deployed models using A/B testing and audit trails (using traceable multi-account pipeline strategies). Development of ETL pipeline with Data Lake to enable Feature Store for faster model experiment iteration.

Keywords: AWS, SageMaker, Studio, Model Registry, Hosted Models, Step Functions, Lambda, S3, SQS, API Gateway, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, ECS, ECR, Fargate, CloudTrail, Terraform, Python 3, Docker, pandas, pytest, boto, moto, Atlassian (JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket), git

07/2011 - 12/2019
Senior Software Engineer for Educational Predictive Analytics Platform Development and Deployment
Educational Platform Provider (B2B market), Berlin (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Full-stack product development for an education platform from its inception into production (development team of 3-6 people). Real-time interaction (social) and gamification using asynchronous paradigms and rich JavaScript client, implementation of data models to measure and control learning progress (Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Clustering), service to service communication. Release management and QA using Automated Unit and Acceptance Tests (CI/CD), operation (DevOps) of the platform as a private cloud for several thousand parallel users.

Keywords: Python 2/3, Tornado, Pyramid, Flask, SQLAlchemy, scipy, pandas, jupyter, Bokeh, Plotly, Jinja2, R, nosetests, Selenium/webdriver, JS, jQuery, Backbone, Marionette, Bootstrap, SCSS/SASS, HTML5, Ansible, Puppet, nginx, haproxy, Jenkins, Docker, Red Hat/CentOS, MySQL, redis, Mercurial, git, SVN

07/2017 - 12/2018
Lead Engineer for Data Analytics and Statistical Modelling
FinTech Start-Up, Berlin (Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Contracting for a start-up in the FinTech sector during its early phase. Development of machine learning models for market predictions and quantitative analysis in close cooperation with researchers, design and development of data pipelines that process external events, design and deployment of infrastructure for development and production (AWS cloud environment).

Keywords: Python 3, pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, statsmodels, PostgreSQL, jupyter, pytest, AWS, GitLab, APIs, Scraping, git

07/2011 - 12/2017
Lead Engineer for Music Video Platform
Music Video Streaming Platform, Denmark (Medien und Verlage, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Contracting during early and critical phases of a start-up/spin-off, Software integration and feature development of video streaming platform (user facing) using MediaDrop, Systems Architecture and deployment (Hybrid Cloud), Continuous Deployment using Ansible, File distribution and video delivery. Development of a reliable Content Ingestion Pipeline using microservices with “Big Three” Music Labels and integration with label’s Controlling and Reporting Systems.

Keywords: Python 2, MediaDrop, SQLAlchemy, flask, Pylons, RQ, OAuth, SOLR, ElasticSearch, Ansible, nginx, haproxy, Red Hat/CentOS, XML, ffmpeg, PostgreSQL, microservices, AWS, git

07/2013 - 02/2014
Software Engineer for Doctor’s Appointment Service
International Health Start-Up, Cambridge, USA (Pharma und Medizintechnik, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Bringing a web platform from prototype stage into production. Major feature development, redesign and reliability improvements on existing codebase.

Keywords: Django, CalDAV, Selenium, Mailchimp, Mandrill, Twilio, AWS, git

04/2010 - 06/2011
Scrum Master, Software and Infrastructure Engineer (Full time position) for Agile Management Tool
Agile/Scrum Consulting Company, Berlin (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Software Engineer on a tool to manage Agile Processes (Scrum, Kanban), frontend and backend development. Scrum Master in a development team of 7. Development, deployment and Operation of Cloud service (Hosted product) and public services (Licensing server, Company CMS) as well as internal services (CI). Customer Services Engineer.
Keywords: Trac, Django, django CMS, JavaScript, jQuery, CentOS, Bitten, SVN

12/2006 - 08/2010
Security Team Lead and Developer (pro bono) for Linux Distribution
Major Linux Distribution (Gentoo) (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Developer on Gentoo Linux distribution, a non-profit organization. Leading the Gentoo Security project, Security Engineer and Coordinator for Emergency Response (vulnerability management and responsible disclosure management). Engineering on multiple feature projects including virtualization (Xen/libvirt), network management and infrastructure. Package maintenance, stability and QA, upstream communication. Event/Exhibition Coordinator and Public Relations.

01/2009 - 09/2009
Google Summer of Code Mentor
Google (Internet und Informationstechnologie, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Mentoring a Google Summer of Code project to create and release a Gentoo stats server/client. Review of project roadmap and milestones, code review and facilitation of production deployment.


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
Available starting 2024-06-01 (60% capacity until 2024-07-31, more after that). Located in Berlin, available for remote work and limited on-site engagements. Currently only taking on fully remote projects.
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Data Engineer, Python Software Engineer and DevOps Senior Data Engineer, Python Software Engineer and DevOps