Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Android Engineer

Letztes Update: 25.01.2023

Senior Android Engineer

Abschluss: Ph.D., Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




Android Development:
Android-Studio, Eclipse, Kotlin, Java, Google Architecture Components, Jetpack (DataBinding, Room, LiveData, Navigation Controller, JavaRx, Workers, et al), Jetpack Compose, JUnit, MVVM, MVP, Robotium, RoboGuice, Robolectric, Mockito, UiAutomator, Espresso, TestObject, Appium, Butterknife, Dagger2, Retrofit & Swagger, REST, Json, GSON, Moshi, Otto-Bus, Lombok, Glide, Firebase, Google App Engine, Continuous Integration, Jenkins, Hudson, Sonar, Object Box, GreenDao, SQLCipher, TestFairy, Amazon AWS, Findbugs, Ant, Gradle, Maven, CVS, SVN, git, Mercurial, Scrum, JIRA, Lint, PMD, TFS, Enterprise Architect, et al


softwaresupply: Android Development (Kotlin) / Crypto currency application
Place:       softwaresupply, Düsseldorf, Germany
Time:        06/2018 - 09/2018
Role:        Android developer
Tasks:       Implementation of Android crypto currency app with Kotlin. Integration of a Kotlin framework for Dagger and MVP automatic injection for a clean architecture.
             - Using Retrofit for downloading cryptocurrency data
             - Show graph and market information

POS Service Group GmbH: Conceptual and Strategic Consulting
Place:       POS Service Group GmbH, Hausen, Germany
Time:        08/2018 – 08/2018
Role:        Coach, Conceptual Consultant, (Freelancer)
Tasks:       Conceptual consulting of strategic planning, conceptual application design, IT infrastructure, Continuous Integration and Android architecture for an existing internal employee Android application

Telefonica Deutschland Holding: Android Team Lead: Architecture & Refactoring
Place:        Telefonica Deutschland Holding Düsseldorf, Germany
Time:         10/2017 – to date
Role:         Android Team Lead, (Freelancer)
Tasks:        Refactoring of a Business-to-Partner White Label Application for Mobile Service Consumers;
Restructuring and Refactoring of an architecture built on Model View Presenter pattern with automatic presenter and dependency injection with Dagger2.  Modular refactoring of backend components. Project and architectural planning.

Vodafone Group: Android Prototyping / Client Building / Integration

Place: Vodafone D2 GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
Time: 10/2015 - 09/2017
Role: Android Developer (Freelancer)
Tasks: Implementation of feature based prototypes for the Vodafone Mobile Wallet, client-Building; Integration of commercial third party frameworks: Apptimize, UserZoom, and others; Implementation of server side backend architecture based on Amazon Web Services

DB Systel GmbH: Android Development

Place: Deutsche Bahn, Silberturm, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Time: 10/2014 - 06/2015
Role: Software-Developer
Tasks: Implementation of a mobile handheld terminal for train conductors Implementation of feature lists in the context of passenger checks, ticket sales, penalty fares among others; Implementation of graphical and technical modules; Integration of tools for quality assurance

softwaresupply: Android Development / Web Development from customer orders

Place: softwaresupply, Dreieich, Germany
Time: 07/2014 - 08/2014
Role: Android developer, project lead (customer order)
Tasks: Implementation of Android apps for customer orders:
- Android App: Vattenfall Cyclassics (customer: ehs-Media GmbH)
Tracking and service app for a big cycling event

Framesoft AG: Android Developer / Client, Webservices

Place: Framesoft AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Time: 10/2013 - 06/2014
Role: Android Developer (Freelancer)
Tasks: Design and implementation of a synchronized inventory management software (Android)
  • SQLCipher databases, REST / SOAP integration (JSON) Design of a backend system for real-time synchronization with multiple clients through a conceptualized Sync interface to be used in online and offline mode
  • Jenkins Continuous Integration with Robotium Integration (automated click tests on a VNC server) and other test automation
  • Design, user interfaces, client Building, documentation

softwaresupply: Android Development / Web Development from customer orders

Place: softwaresupply, Dreieich, Germany
Time: 05/2013 - 09/2013
Role: Android developer, project lead (customer orders)
Tasks: Implementation of multiple Android apps for customer orders:
  1. Android App: Detection, measurement and management of vineyards (damage, tasks, etc.) [for the vineyard Fuchs in Flörsheim-Darlsheim]
  2. Android App: Presentation app for playback of media content for representatives: Design and implementation of a rights-based server synchronized file system; Encryption of all files on the terminals [for Seuthe GmbH]
  3. Web applications: implementation of a web shop for a garden-wholesale based on a content management system [for FVG-GmbH]

Buhl Data Service GmbH: Android Developer / Client, Banking App

Place: Buhl Data Service GmbH, Neunkirchen (Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany)
Time: 05/2012 - 06/2013
Role: Android Developer (Freelancer)
Tasks: Implementation of the finanzblick Android app
  • Client Building, user interfaces, database model porting, SQLCipher databases, REST / SOAP integration (JSON); Sync WebApp connectivity, Graphical Reports, Credit Cards, Loyalty Cards, Bank data, postings, transfers, among others
  • Construction of a Continuous Integration: Built-Server (Jenkins) with integration of Robotium (automated click tests on a VNC server) and other test automation; HPROF memory and performance optimization
  • Implementation of a prototype for a mobile wallet based on NFC data communication

softwaresupply: Android Development / Web Development from customer orders

Place: softwaresupply, Dreieich, Germany
Time: 11/2011 - 04/2012
Role: Android developer, project lead (customer order)
Tasks: Implementation of Android apps for customer orders:
  • App-based control of awnings via a WIFI interface (porting to Android) [for the Exclusiv Home GmbH]
  • Android App: Location Based Services (distributed databases, backend systems, GPS services)
  • Web applications (CMS system, web services)

Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Systems: Android Developer / Client Building

Place: Deutsche Telekom AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Time: 09/2011 - 10/2011
Role: Android Developer (Freelancer)
Tasks: Implementation of applications, graphical widgets and UI elements, server connections and authentication protocols, access to media-based cloud interfaces, refactoring by use of a continuous integration with integration of Robotium click tests, code injection with RoboGuice, Java-VM mock tests by Robolectric

Vodafone Group: Android Prototyping / Client Building / Integration

Place: Vodafone D2 GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
Time: 09/2010 - 05/2011
Role: Android Developer (Freelancer)
Tasks: Implementation of graphical prototypes and user interfaces, user, client-Building, conceptual design implementation, connection and integration into existing backend architectures, implementation of user interaction specifications

axxessio GmbH: Android development based on Android 1.6
Place: axxessio GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany
Time:     01/2010 - 05/2010
Role:        Software Developer (in permanent occupation)
Tasks:     Implementation of project processes, implementation of Android Frameworks / application generator and various Android applications (RSS-Reader, Radar Trap App). Presentation of the Android framework at droidcon fare (2010, Berlin, Germany)

Master-Thesis / Project work: Bright Solutions, Darmstadt, Germany, grade: 1.0
Algorithmic generation of puzzle grids in Java
Time:     07/2009 – 05/2010
Tasks:      - Algorithmic design for NP-hard problem scenarios
  • Creating a graphical user interface and integration into a SOA architecture
  • Implementation of heuristic scanning method

Practical lab: TU-Darmstadt, Department of Telekooperation
Internet applications in Java 
Time:     10/2006 – 04/2007 
Tasks:      - Integration of a web server
             - Implementation of an e-mail client
             - Implementing a SOA architecture 

Bachelor-Thesis: TU Darmstadt, grade 1.0
Visualization of compression algorithms
Time:     01/2007 – 07/2007
Tasks:      - Implementation of compression algorithms
             - Visualization and dynamic generation in Java
             - Use of an encapsulated API
             - Publication on the ITiCSE 2009 conference

Institute for Graphic Data Processing, Darmstadt
Storytelling based Edutainment 

Time:      10/2005 – 02/2006
Tasks:     - Implementation of 3D edutainment game
- Conduction of trainings and lectures on Game Days 2008, Darmstadt

Practical Bachelor lab, TU-Darmstadt, grade: 1.3
Graphical user interface for a cryptographical library
Time:     03/2005 – 08/2005  
Tasks:     - Integration of cryptographic functions from a library
               (FlexiProvider, Trusted Systems, TU Darmstadt)
             - Implementation of graphical user interfaces


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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Senior Android Engineer Senior Android Engineer