Roman Derevianko


Letztes Update: 09.04.2019

HTML, SQL, Swift

Abschluss: IOS Developer
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Grundkenntnisse) | Russisch (verhandlungssicher) | Ukrainisch (verhandlungssicher)


Languages: Objective-C (junior); SWIFT (middle); Java (junior); JSON (middle); SQL (junior); HTML (middle); CSS (middle);
Databases: MySQL (junior); Postgresql (junior); SQL Server (middle); FireBase (middle)
Development Software: Xcode , Git
Platforms: Mac OSX ; UNIX/Linux ; Windows 
Cloud services: Parse, Firestore


Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to the client Followed a work data flow principle for design and development Worked on Web Service calls, XML and JSON parsing included in the project Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance Used Core data Framework for local storage purpose in SQLite Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI Worked with GIT to checkout and update the codebase changes Complete implementation of the retrial mechanism. Used the same XIB to design for iPhone 6 and older iPhones by using Auto-layout. Added animation between UI Views for smooth transition and better user experience. Publishing the application on App store and then pushing updates after every sprint release. Used MapKit Framework and CoreLocation

Web Developer
Created WEB-site: Info page, Online-store, Product page
CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, ShopCMS, Drupal, ImageCMS.
Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch


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Profilbild von Roman Derevianko HTML, SQL, Swift aus HTML, SQL, Swift