Profilbild von Razvan Coca Linux C++ developer aus Bucharest

Razvan Coca


Letztes Update: 15.02.2024

Linux C++ developer

Abschluss: Physics@University of Bucharest, Netwoking@ICTP-Trieste, Software@University of Amsterdam
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Rumänisch (Muttersprache)




Subversion, Windows, Python, VoIP, Linux, Embedded Software, Embedded Systems, Digital Signal Processors, Security, Bash, Unix, Software Development, Operating Systems, C, Programming, OOP, C++, Embedded Linux, Software Engineering, Test Automation, Testing , Multithreading, Software Design, Object Oriented Design, ClearCase, Debugging, Shell Scripting, TCP/IP, Perl, CVS, Git, Distributed Systems, Design Patterns, UML, Algorithms


Employment history:

Self Employed - Software Developer
07.2014 - today

I'm a Linux C++ developer and a numerical simulations consultant.

My clients are eHealth companies, communication equipment developers and system administration entrepreneurs, disease control and physics professionals.

Some of my areas of expertise include system programming, network programming, protocol implementation, numerical methods, trading systems, storage, embedded systems development.

My LinkedIn profile:
My blog:

I'm currently interested in remote work, contract-based positions.
Skype: rcoca_office
GTalk: [Camatweb. SRL]
Senior Software Developer
07.2013 - 07.2014
Design of elastic cloud storage solution for video streams: requirements, specifications and design document, code-sketches of the design.
Implementation: written in C++, asynchronous, based on protobuf serialization and boost::asio libraries.
Modules implemented:
libraries for encryption/decryption, networking, various supporting protocols, storage read/write cache, data storage pluggable backend(s), configuration and command line parsing, threading and queues, daemon support.
applications: offline utilities for backend(s), storage client, storage API proxy, data availability notifier client, availability notifier server, networked keystore server and client for data at rest encryption keys
design patterns used: command, chain of responsibility, visitor, abstract factory, proactor, reactor.

1&1 Internet Development S.R.L. ­ Bucharest/Romania
Senior Cross­Platform Linux C/C++ developer
05.2012 - 06.2013
Internet Services and related development tasks

Porting the enhanced backup system from Linux to Windows.
Achievements: backup client, file system monitor daemon proof of concept / Windows version
Filesystem measurements

LUXOFT Professional Romania SRL
Senior Software Developer
07.2011 - 05.2012
Building networking equipment: software development

Extracting requirements/ functional specifications/ design/ implementation/
testing. Changes in u­boot bootloader, kexec, creating firmware images and
writing them to flash for networking switch.

University of Amsterdam
Scientific Programmer
06.2010 - 06.2011
Security extensions to gsiftp and effects on file transfer performance

Senior Software Engineer
05.2008 - 05.2010
Embedded programming
Software development for Bang and Olufsen products (Philips microcontroller, Hitachi processor, Intel 86)
Software development for Z80 based ucontroller
ENEA Element Middleware Development

ITC Networks
Intermediate/Senior Software Engineer
0.2005 - 0.2008
Developing VoIP SIP ALG for secure routers.
Linux-kernel netfilter hooks design and programming.
SNMP agent development.
Ipsec vpn development.
Automated testing.

Unidec Computer Systems
0.2002 - 0.2005
Developing telephony apps for NEC - Romania
& Philips Business Communications
Voice mail - Linux,
Call attendant-Linux,
Text to speech interface,
Hardware key programming,
Software DSP for tone pattern recognition,
embedded linux applications,
design & implementation of OS abstraction layers,
script driven call generator - windows

The National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP-Bucharest, Romania)
Senior Researcher
09.1995 - 01.2002
Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation. Design of microwave passive circuits. Microwave
materials measurements.
Electromagnetic compatibility measurements and models.
Computer-assisted measurements.



Verfügbar in den Ländern Rumänien
Only interested in remote work, available 7-17 GMT
Profilbild von Razvan Coca Linux C++ developer aus Bucharest Linux C++ developer