Philipp Klaus


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Product Design Consultant

Abschluss: Bachelor of Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Philipp_Klaus_-_Product_Design_Consultant (1).pdf


Sketch, Framer, Adobe XD, Flinto, Invision, Adobe Suite, Illustrator, Photoshop / InDesign, CSS, JavaScript, CRM


08/2017 - bis jetzt
Product Design Consultant
Freelance Europe

Working for various European startups and cooperations in the product
development area. My services range from product design to product
management to coaching frameWorks like design thinking. 

Z Some companies I have worked for ottonova AG / Salesfive GmbH /
 / Snapp Mobile / Spendit AG

Z One of the highlights was the onside design of a mobile banking
app for one of Kenias biggest banks

02/2001 - 10/2019
Head of Design
Shore GmbH

Initially hired as a product manager With a love for product design. I
found myself being promoted to Head of Design after 8 Months, leading
the jve6person design team at Shore.

Z Responsible for product design and user research for all Web and
mobile products
Z Borking closely With the management team especially the product
team to ensure high6-uality features

01/2001 - 10/2019
Digital Project Manager
Bertrand AG

Prowect Management for various digital implementation prowects
mainly for AUDI AG

Z Stakeholder management
Z Scoping * drafting product solutions
Z Presenting and managing implementation phase

02/2018 - 10/2019
Manager Design & Product
Talentry GmbH

Initially hired as the jrst product designer in the company. 2esides
setting up the design processes and creating a design team of tWo, I
Was soon to be found to validate, design * launch a Whole neW product.

Z Implementing design processes and tools (Sketch / Invision / eplin
/ Abstract)
Z Design and implement a global style guide for all our applications
Z Redesign and relaunch of the mobile applications
Z Customer validation, design, and implementation as Well as product
management (Team of 8 engineers) for the neW Talentry CRM

Z Successful launch in April 2019
Z Total revenue generated until today -15' ARR

02/2001 - 07/2001
Product Manager
Mobile Devices; GmbH

Responsible for all mobile applications Within the Shore GmbH. Guiding
a team of four engineers to develop * design the best in market
applications for our customers.

Z Responsible for all mobile applications
Z Relaunched * maintained our core applications

Z Relaunch increased daily active users by 1-K

Z Developed and launched tWo neW applications (Internal Sales
Support App / Feedback App for Merchants)


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