Profilbild von Morten Gregersen iOS Developer aus Silkeborg

Morten Gregersen


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

iOS Developer

Firma: Cool Yellow Owl
Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Dänisch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)




An app developer with focus on quality through automation, which has been working with iOS and macOS for over 11 years. I live in a beautiful town, Silkeborg, in Denmark with my two kids. Through my different jobs I’ve worked lots of apps, all with different complexity and size.

Since I studied I have focused mostly on iOS app development. When I started Objective-C was the language we had to use. Since 2014 I have mainly used Swift for app projects. The last couple of years I have been exploring SwiftUI on iOS but also on macOS.


01/2011 - 01/2014
iOS Developer
Huge Lawn - Miracle Apps

At Huge Lawn - Miracle Apps I worked on many different types of apps for
many different types of customers. We created apps for tourist to find
attractions, for guitarists to program their pedals, for salespersons to help
them show the products and for kids to read stories about The Berry


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Profilbild von Morten Gregersen iOS Developer aus Silkeborg iOS Developer