Profilbild von Moritz vonDawans Embedded SW-Engineering Expert aus Konz

Moritz von Dawans


Letztes Update: 03.03.2020

Embedded SW-Engineering Expert

Firma: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Moritz von Dawans - Embedded Engineering
Abschluss: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) electrical engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)


Moritz von Dawans-Projektliste-20200902.pdf
Generisches Anschreiben Bewerbungsportale_de.pdf
Generic Note Project Websites_en.pdf


A versatile electrical engineer with a strong focus on hardware related programming, Linux on embedded devices, software build and configuration management and testing. While working as a development engineer and software architect for different companies he could acquire a wide skill set that ranges from programming bare metal bootloaders on small 8-Bit microcontroller platforms to implementing and testing hardware drivers for embedded Linux systems.
When it comes to debugging, he is a proficient and highly experienced troubleshooter who is used to utilize all kinds of debugging tools for both the hardware and the software side. Considerable experience with diverse software build environments and a number of different sized software projects make him a great resource when trying to design or refactor the software build process and project repository layout.
As a freelance development engineer, his goal is to give his customers easy access to his knowledge and support by providing tailor-made offers.



Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland
I offer my services completely “remote” from my home office/lab in Konz, Germany, near the Luxembourg border. This allows me to react flexibly to different workloads and to work on several projects side by side. In addition, the effort on the customer side is reduced by setting up the workplace on site, etc. In most cases training time on any new system will also be reduced, so that I can deliver initial work results within a very short time. Due to other obligations from longer-running projects, I can offer a maximum workload of 30 hours per week on average.
Day trips to the customer’s site for meetings, etc. are of course not a problem after prior planning. Also the conclusion of an NDA before any detailed discussion of the project is possible, even before there is any quote or order.
Profilbild von Moritz vonDawans Embedded SW-Engineering Expert aus Konz Embedded SW-Engineering Expert