Profilbild von Maurice Reichelt Senior Fullstack Software Engineer aus Berlin

Maurice Reichelt


Letztes Update: 16.03.2024

Senior Fullstack Software Engineer

Abschluss: Fachinformatiker
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




Senior React Fullstack Software Engineer of scalable web applications with single- page frontends and RESTful microservice backends. An advocate of Agile eXtreme Programming principles who delivers high-quality products using a test-first approach (TDD) and supports the Node.js stack

- 8 years of full-time, hands-on experience in professional software development in a DevOps context
- 4 years of hands-on experience in onboarding, mentoring, and leading frontend developers

FRONTEND: React, Redux, Router, Bootstrap, MUI, Tailwind, JavaScript, TypeScript, i18n, a11y, Webpack
BACKEND: Next.js, REST, GraphQL, Appollo, Node, Serverless, Express, Swagger, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
TDD: Test-first Automation, Mocking, e2e Testing, Jest, Cypress, CodeceptJS, Testing Library, Storybook
DEVOPS: CI/CD, IaC, AWS, cfn, Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub Actions, Artifactory, Feature Toggling, Docker, Git
AGILE: XP, Scrum, Kanban, User Stories, INVEST, Pair Programming, Emergent Design, A/B Testing
LANGUAGES: English (fluent), German (native)


04/2023 - bis jetzt
Web app to track and manage formula races and driver standings
(Automobil und Fahrzeugbau, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

German luxury and commercial vehicle automotive brand

React, TanStack, Tailwind, i18next, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo, MongoDB, TDD, Vitest, Testing Library, Playwright, Storybook, Docker, GitHub Actions, GitLab, Kanban

Greenfield development of a responsive web app to follow races of different Formula series live
- Early end-users and testers are the world’s best Formula drivers and teams
​​​​​​​- More details are coming soon...

10/2022 - bis jetzt
E-commerce platform for office and warehouse supplies
(Konsumgüter und Handel, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Business equipment wholesaler serving the European market

React, Redux, Router, Next.js, Styled Components, TypeScript, i18n, REST, Knex, PostgreSQL, SSR, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, AWS, CDK, GitHub Actions, Artifactory, Docker, Scrum

- Improved the React- and Redux-based app while satisfying numerous country-specific requirements
- Spearheaded an initiative to reduce the runtime of the platform’s test suite from hours to minutes by introducing integration and unit tests and coaching the team on how to best leverage different test types

01/2022 - 02/2023
Implementing a SaaS application to roll out price changes at petrol stations
(Energie, Wasser und Umwelt, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

One of world's seven oil and gas "supermajors"

React, Redux, Router, MUI, TypeScript, a11y, REST, Node, Express, Swagger, MySQL, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, Scrum

- Implemented a 3-tier React application using Redux and Thunks to separate central state management, asynchronous processes, and presentation
- Coached a team on how to write frontend component tests and integrated Jest and React Testing Library into the Azure-based continuous integration pipeline
- Introduced a Storybook to enable efficient development of Material-UI-based frontend components and eliminated the need to waste precious developer time on waiting for the application to reload
- Increased the throughput of delivered User Stories by re-focussing the team and stakeholders on Agile principles and practices, which ultimately led to higher satisfaction and confidence among team members

07/2019 - 12/2021
Subscription-based online-service to streamline the process of buying a house
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Germany's leading online market place for real estates

React, Preact, Redux, Router, JavaScript, TypeScript, i18n, a11y, REST, Node, Serverless, Express, Swagger, RDS, MySQL, DynamoDB, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Codecept, Playwright, Enzyme, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, AWS, CloudFormation, Jenkins, Recharts, Less, Google Maps, Kanban

-  Developed a suite of premium web application products and helped grow the revenue from 1.3M EUR in the first year to 6.7M EUR in the second year (based on 20,000 paying subscribers)
- Onboarded and mentored 3 Junior Developers and led a team of 5 frontend engineers to become the „best-organized team,“ according to the Head of Technology
- Coordinated other team’s contributions and coached their team members on how to write clean code and good tests and how to develop components in isolation with a Storybook
- Reduced the runtime of the test suite from 25 minutes to under 10 minutes by identifying and working around performance bottlenecks in the React Testing Library and by refactoring bad code into clean code
- Inherited a legacy project with outdated code that needed urgent adjustments and improved the code quality and coverage from 50% to 90% over the course of 3 months
- Took over Product Ownership during the Product Owner’s scheduled absence

12/2019 - 03/2020
React component library, driving the most comprehensive redesign in client’s history
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Germany's leading online market place for real estates

React, Preact, Redux, Router, JavaScript, TypeScript, i18n, a11y, REST, Node, Serverless, Express, Swagger, RDS, MySQL, DynamoDB, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Codecept, Playwright, Enzyme, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, AWS, CloudFormation, Jenkins, Recharts, Less, Google Maps, Kanban

- Developed and supported the rollout of a component library that built the foundation for the most comprehensive rebranding and redesigns in the client’s 20-year history – a multi-million EUR initiative affecting 1,500 employees and hundreds of thousands of daily visitors

10/2018 - 03/2019
Dashboard to manage mortgage
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Germany's leading online market place for real estates

React, Preact, Redux, Router, JavaScript, TypeScript, i18n, a11y, REST, Node, Serverless, Express, Swagger, RDS, MySQL, DynamoDB, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Codecept, Playwright, Enzyme, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, AWS, CloudFormation, Jenkins, Recharts, Less, Google Maps, Kanban

- Developed a responsive web application to gain insights into a user’s mortgage needs over time
- Helped the client to get back in touch with their „lost“ leads (previously sold to partners) and thus significantly increased the customer lifetime value for the client
- Developed a responsive dashboard with interactive custom pie, bar, and line charts using Recharts
- Implemented React components with a clean interface and local state, which are easily integrated into the dashboard and positioned with a Bootstrap-like library
- Maintained an Express-based mock API to allow local development of the React application

10/2018 - 02/2019
Real estates search engine for private investment opportunities
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Germany's leading online marketplace for real estate

React, Preact, Redux, Router, JavaScript, TypeScript, i18n, a11y, REST, Node, Serverless, Express, Swagger, RDS, MySQL, DynamoDB, TDD, Jest, Cypress, Codecept, Playwright, Enzyme, Testing Library, Storybook, CI/CD, AWS, CloudFormation, Jenkins, Recharts, Less, Google Maps, Kanban

Developed an accessible React web application to find apartments or houses as private investment and integrated 6 APIs of 3 different data providers
- Features included: a search with auto-completion, filters, an innovative rating score, Google Maps integration, exposé with carousel gallery, a shortlist, and a profitability calculator

05/2018 - 09/2018
White-label travel search engine
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Leading provider of booking systems driving 1.3 bn euros in annual revenue

Vue, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Jenkins, Node, Swagger, Express, TDD, Scrum

- Developed next version of a white-label travel search engine including versatile filtering options

02/2018 - 05/2018
Smart home solution for people with special needs
(Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Provider of a smart home solution for people with special needs

React, Redux, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SCSS, TDD, Enzyme, Protractor, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, XP

- Developed a MERRRN application to detect and report potentially dangerous situations in homes of people with special needs

12/2016 - 08/2017
Web app for live observation of animal behaviour
(Telekommunikation, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

International biology and research institutes

Java, JavaFX, Swing, Spring, REST, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, KML, HTML, CSS, Maven, Tomcat, SVN, Google Maps API, Acceptance Testing, Squarespace, WordPress, Git

- Developed a web application to allow biologists to conduct complex studies of sleep and hibernation patterns based on monitoring data such as body temperature, collar orientation, or activity
- Allowed researchers to better understand the migration of herds and packs by retrieving GPS data from SQL database and visualizing animal positions and virtual fences on Google maps

05/2017 - 07/2017
Video Post-processing Tool
(Telekommunikation, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

International biology and research institutes

Java, JavaFX, Swing, Spring, REST, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, KML, HTML, CSS, Maven, Tomcat, SVN, Google Maps API, Acceptance Testing, Squarespace, WordPress, Git

- Developed a Java application for post-processing JPG and MP4-based data of wildlife monitoring collars
- Parsed 128 GB of binary data per collar to change video orientation, synchronize timestamps with image files, and render timestamps into video frames
- Optimized the battery lifetime of tracking collars from weeks to months by turning certain hardware on only when needed and compensating for a resulting lack of metadata with post-production software

06/2014 - 03/2017
Satellite-based wildlife tracking
(Telekommunikation, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

International biology and research institutes

Java, JavaFX, Swing, Spring, REST, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, KML, HTML, CSS, Maven, Tomcat, SVN, Google Maps API, Acceptance Testing, Squarespace, WordPress, Git

- Simplified the user experience of a collar configuration software by eliminating unnecessary steps
- Decreased time to verify correct collar configuration by a factor of 5 by developing a system to test multiple collar circuits simultaneously


In der Stadt Berlin mit einem Radius von 50 km verfügbar
- available worldwide for remote roles
- available on-site in Berlin for up to 100%
- available on-site outside of Berlin for up to 10%
- happy to visit clients all across Europe every other week (e.g., to collect feedback and discuss requirements)
Profilbild von Maurice Reichelt Senior Fullstack Software Engineer aus Berlin Senior Fullstack Software Engineer