Profilbild von Maksym Kharandziuk DevOps engineer, Sr. Python Developer, Sr. JavaScript Developer aus Berlin

Maksym Kharandziuk


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

DevOps engineer, Sr. Python Developer, Sr. JavaScript Developer

Abschluss: Kyiv Politechnical University Computer Science Master Degree
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (gut) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Russisch (Muttersprache)


Kharandziuk`s CV.pdf


Frameworks, Python, Django, Flask, JS, Node, Backbone, React SQL, Postgres, NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis messaging, RabbiMQ, ZeroMQ, Terraform, Ansible, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, DevOps, backend, caching, SOA, frontend, rendering, programming, async, concurrency, functional programming, algorithms, IaaS, Node.js, microservices, APIs, React, JavaScript, AAA microservice, business logic, DSL, REST API, Vagrant, Redis, test framework, WebTest, Angular, Spark,, VBA, PHP, TDD, GitHub, pure functions


06/2020 - 06/2020

Idea: to build a service company around JAM-stack
Created a concept in colaboration with the other co-founder

06/2020 - 06/2020


04/2019 - 01/2020
DevOps engineer

Done two projects related to IaaS

Upgraded Terraform configurations from .11 to .12 version
Prepare Terraform configurations for EKS cluster upgrade
Refactored terraform configurations
Developed a road map for implementing a logging solution(EFK stack)
Stack: Django, Node.js, microservices, Terraform, Kubernetes

10/2018 - 03/2019
Sr. Software Developer
Klarna GmbH

Developing a FinTech application which intended to simplify customer
identification process
Integrating third party APIs
Packed the application in a React component(standalone package) for consumers
Stack: Node.js, microservices, Docker, Concourse, React

05/2016 - 09/2018
Sr. JavaScript Developer
Here GmbH

Developing an enterprise level indoor/outdoor tracking platform
Integrating third party APIs/Implementing AAA microservice
Stack: Node.js, microservices, Kafka

10/2013 - 04/2016
Fullstack developer/Team Lead

Customers requirements recognition
Designing the overall architecture of the application(complicated business logic,
custom DSL, nonCRUD interface)
Developing both the REST API and the SPA
Managing a small team
Stack: Django, Backbone/React, Fabric, Ansible, Vagrant, Redis

02/2013 - 10/2013
Backend developer

Improved development testing methodology. Increase coverage for more than 40
percent and replaced Django native test framework with WebTest
Propose some changes to project business logic which helps to decrease
complexity of source code and improve user experience
Stack: Django, Angular, Fabric, Python, Redis

12/2011 - 02/2013
Junior developer

08/2012 - 01/2013
Net developer

Developing new functionality for BPMOnline Platform
Customizing the base product to apply the customer specifical needs

11/2010 - 12/2011
VBA developer/Data analyst

05/2007 - 09/2007
Trainee PHP Developer

Conferences I believe in software methodologies and trying to increase adoption of them in our
development community. For this reason I am organizing IT-conferences

No Monkeys - about QA and testing tools
Ops for Dev - about DevOps and related tools

Speaker I like TDD and created some practical guidance for a team. I presented this ideas in
a form of talk on Pyconua and Pyconby. Video in Russian. Slides in English.
Keyideas: Django, Webtest, Factories, don't write tests which you can't maintain


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Profilbild von Maksym Kharandziuk DevOps engineer, Sr. Python Developer, Sr. JavaScript Developer aus Berlin DevOps engineer, Sr. Python Developer, Sr. JavaScript Developer