Profilbild von Lucas Freitas Head of Engineering - DevOps/Frontend/Backend (React, Vue, Angular, PHP, Laravel, usw) aus Berlin

Lucas Freitas


Letztes Update: 06.01.2024

Head of Engineering - DevOps/Frontend/Backend (React, Vue, Angular, PHP, Laravel, usw)

Abschluss: Hochschule
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)


Software Engineer, Raisin GmbH, Berlin, Germany
∠Worked primarily as a front-end developer along with the Distribution business department.
∠Actively participating in key decisions such as migrating the legacy platform to a new Micro Frontendlandscape.
∠Experience with complex and dynamic validation mechanisms using Formik and Yup.
∠Responsible for communicating and delivering end-user features collaborating with different teams.
∠Active interaction to drive process changes, such as translations management.
∠Key deliveries: Multi-tenancy, multi-language support, validation, new partners onboarding
∠Decision driver for tech stack upgrades such as TypeScript

Senior React Native Developer (Freelancer), MYTHERESA.COM GMBH, Berlin, Germany
∠ Responsible for the analysis and implementation of a new React Native app.
∠ Implementing tests using Jest and Enzyme
∠ Responsible for communicating and delivering end-user features collaborating with different teams
Tech Stack: React Native, TypeScript, Jest, Enzyme, Detox, Google Firebase, React Navigation, MobX State Tree, JSONAPI, AWS, Spryker, Kubernetes

∠ Responsible for migrating the current infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform
∠ Development and maintenance of Shopware extensions
∠ Implementation of new development processes
∠ Integration with external ERPs and shopping partners
∠ Business and marketing support
Tech Stack: Shopware, PHP7, node.js, MySQL, Google Cloud Platform, Jenkins, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, Kubernetes

Senior PHP Developer, URBAN SPORTS CLUB, Berlin, Germany
∠ Feature development and writing down user stories
∠ Writing behavior tests
∠ Network deployment of Cisco Meraki for 150+ clients
Tech Stack: PHP, Phalcon, ElasticSearch, SkyRocket, PostgreSQL, Spot ORM, AWS, Travis CI, Docker, Google Data Studio, Tableau

Senior Full-stack Developer, WATCHMASTER GMBH, Berlin, Germany
∠ Implementation of the look ’n feel of a React Native based app
∠ Delivering new features, new product page, new listing page, filter, and sorting logic.
∠ Development of new features and maintenance of the customer-facing shop.
∠ SEO-aware page optimization
∠ Updating development processes, libraries, dependencies, and tools: HTTP/2, PHP7, ES6/7, webpack.
Tech Stack: PHP 5, AngularJS 1.x, Laravel, React, React Native, Apache Solr, AWS, Symfony, PostgreSQL, RESTful APIs, Jenkins, jQuery, Bootstrap SASS, gulp, webpack

Instructor, TARGETTRUST, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Teaching position for beginners and step-up courses. Traveled to other cities on-demand.
∠  Responsible for lecturing front-end courses to students which seeks IT positioning and proper certification.
∠  General contributions on courses material and new courses development.
∠  In-company training (at customer site, available for travels)
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Classroom Experiments


Worked for 7 years in multiple companies, from startups to developed businesses, with e-commerce, health insurance BPO software, consulting agencies and web agencies. Strong ability to understand a customer problem and give proper solutions.


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Profilbild von Lucas Freitas Head of Engineering - DevOps/Frontend/Backend (React, Vue, Angular, PHP, Laravel, usw) aus Berlin Head of Engineering - DevOps/Frontend/Backend (React, Vue, Angular, PHP, Laravel, usw)