Profilbild von Leticia Brand Graphic and Web Designer aus

Leticia Brand


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Graphic and Web Designer

Abschluss: BA Digital Media Design and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Portugiesisch (Muttersprache)




I am a graphic and web designer, specializing in modern and clean looking, responsive WordPress websites. I also do other graphic pieces like social media and business cards.
I want to hear your concerns and ideas, and help you find  the best solution to your project.


06/2019 - 08/2019
Translator Intern
KAI Media

KAI Media, Seoul
Translating and proofreading video subtitles in Portuguese, as well as brainstorming new video ideas for
brazilian viewers.

03/2016 - 10/2018
Designer and Translator, Seoul / home office
Entertainment content creation for web, designing layouts, content writing or translating and localizing,
competitors research.

08/2017 - 07/2018
Designer and Translator

PromoArena, Rio de Janeiro / home office
Updating design elements on screens during videogames championship livestreams, player support as a
Blizzard tournament admin (EN/PT/ES).

01/2016 - 02/2016
Design Intern
SK Communications

SK Communications, Seoul
Brazilian market analysis, Cymera PlayStore page managing, developing a video as a marketing campaign
for native audience.


Verfügbar in den Ländern Südkorea
I am currently not available to travel, but my schedule is quite flexible. I have three days of my week that are fully taken due to graduate school, but other than that I am open to client's needs - including weekends.
Profilbild von Leticia Brand Graphic and Web Designer aus Graphic and Web Designer