
Letztes Update: 14.04.2021

Junior fullstack Java/ C# developer

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (gut) | Russisch (Muttersprache)


Programming skills:
Good knowledge of Java and C# Core, OOP design, collections, data structures and algorithms,
JavaFX, streams API, multithreading
Basic understanding of web architecture principles, test-driven development, IoC,
MVC Framework, Entity framework
Basic frontend with React Javascript and Redux
Additional skills:
Math, algebra and physics from the university.
Self-motivated, like to learn something hard and interesting. Can find answers.
I strive for teamwork in office but can work remotely too.
Spoken languages:
Intermediate English can take conversation in English, can read technical books freely.
I have been working on
a product site parsers for few months. Used a lot of Java collections and complex
algorithms for automatic web page crawler. The main task was to parse thousands of products with different
variations and create an excel table.
Gained some experience from my creative development. My best now is
" https://github.com/RomanLeva/MapTablet"
The app is based on JavaFX. The main idea is exchanging map points between users online and
do some calculations. There are a lot of interesting algorithms as tile addressing in different scales, XY on
the screen to geo-coordinates, measuring distance, angle, and some other calculations.
My best in C# Web is "https://github.com/RomanLeva/BookLibrary"
The app is based on 3 tier web MVC architecture, uses EntityFramework.



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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Junior fullstack Java/ C# developer Junior fullstack Java/ C# developer