Profilbild von Johannes Engl Senior Full-Stack Engineer aus Berlin

Johannes Engl


Letztes Update: 02.01.2024

Senior Full-Stack Engineer

Abschluss: Computer Science
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (verhandlungssicher)





● Ruby on Rails
● Golang
● AWS Cloud Computing ● Terraform
● Docker
● React
● GraphQL
● Datadog
● Appache Kafka
● Snowflake


● Microservice Architectures
● BigData
● Ad-Tech for SEM and SEO
● Building and Managing Engineering Teams
● Business Development and Strategy
● Solving scalability problems
● AB-Testing


04/2023 - 12/2023
Senior Software Engineer
Areo GmbH (Internet und Informationstechnologie, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

Building and maintaining two RoR Applications exposing a REST API documented via Open API interacting with mobile clients. Implemented complex authentication and authorization flows.

08/2021 - 04/2022
Senior Software Engineer in the Availability Team

Geo-Sharding dierent ruby services. Planning and executing a project to allow the company to process more orders at peak time by launching a second amazon aurora database cluster and ooading high-volume tables with billions of rows to the new cluster. Through this, absolute CPU usage during peak hours was successfully decreased on average by 15.79%.

09/2019 - 03/2020
Senior Software Engineer Team Lead
Tourlane GmbH

Leading the Growth Engineering team, responsible for building customer-facing
web applications for lead generation and ad-tech products for the SEM, display,
and SEO marketing teams.
The team consisted of five Frontend Engineers, two Backend Engineers, and
one Product Manager.
Led initiative to extract the SEO pages into a microservice in a serverless way
using gatsby. The extract resulted in a performance improvement of 3x for
time to interact with the website. Carried out concept and implementation of a
product for SEM campaign creation at scale utilising a geodatabase. Using the
tool marketeers are able to launch thousands of SEM ads in a structured and
efficient way 10x faster.

09/2018 - 09/2019
Senior Software Engineer
Tourlane GmbH

Building a tracking infrastructure using Apache Kafka. Implementing a last-click
attribution model and creating marketing reports. These initiatives formed the
foundation for making data-driven decisions in marketing across the company.
Calculation target cost per acquisition based on historic data for paid marketing
which increased the efficiency of SEM ads.

05/2017 - 09/2018
Software Engineer
Hyper Island

Private University for digital transformation. Implemented automated test suite
with 67% test coverage of the code base which resulted in higher reliability of
the website. Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React.

10/2016 - 05/2017
Lead Developer
Airgora Inc.

Product Design startup offering a community marketplace that empowers
designers and emerging brands. Developed technology and led product
iterations from the first prototype to release reaching product-market fit.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React, ES6, Stripe Relay.

11/2014 - 12/2016
Co-Founder & CEO
99trips GmbH

TravelTech startup identifying the best travel packages based on daily analysis
of millions of city trips. The website offered a one-stop shopping experience for
technology-based curated city trips with 10k+ registered users and 10k+ € sales
volume in the best months. Developed technology and managed a team of five
people. Technologies: Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, AWS.

03/2015 - 10/2016
Software Engineer
ImmoClub Berlin GmbH

Real Estate SaaS startup that offered exclusive access and online services for
buying real estate properties. Developed and released platform. Provided
consulting to pivot from a traditional real estate company with 20 employees to
a digital business model. Technology: Ruby on Rails.


Containerized Applications on AWS
Certified Scrum Master
Scrum Alliance


Weltweit verfügbar

Youtube - Video

Short Introduction to me and my professional background

Profilbild von Johannes Engl Senior Full-Stack Engineer aus Berlin Senior Full-Stack Engineer