Profilbild von Jesse Lewis Web/App Developer aus PAEWESINER

Jesse Lewis


Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Web/App Developer

Abschluss: University of New South Wales Program: Bachelor of Processing Computer and game development
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (gut)


Jesse Lewis Resume 1.docx


React, Google, Google form, Redux for JavaScript, JavaScript, TypeScript, Sass, Git, HTML5, CSS3, Android, iPhone, Python and Django, Ruby, Ruby on Rails
I'm a software developer with 6 years of professional experience as a Front End Developer, specialized in React.js. I can work by myself with minimum to no supervision. I'm also a very good team player, always willing to cooperate and give my input in needed situations. I'm very flexible with hours and I maintain good communication.

I am working very hard, always give my best and I'm constantly improving my skills and learning new things to deliver the best work to my clients.


06/2018 - bis jetzt
Zero Tech (Sonstiges, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

App Developer

10/2015 - 01/2021
React - Google Form Integration
Ismael Barron Coca

Task: Integrate Google form into existing react app.
Client name Client country: United Kingdom

07/2018 - 03/2019
Web developer
Mercury Development

03/2016 - 06/2018
Accusoft Web Developer


Weltweit verfügbar
Availability to travel is twice in a  month.
Profilbild von Jesse Lewis Web/App Developer aus PAEWESINER Web/App Developer