Profilbild von Felix Schmidt Senior iOS & Frontend Developer. Creative Mind. aus Dresden

Felix Schmidt

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Letztes Update: 28.02.2024

Senior iOS & Frontend Developer. Creative Mind.

Abschluss: Business Computer Science, B.Sc.
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




Highly motivated frontend developer, with strong programming skills for iOS and Web. Combined with passion for UX Design, attention to detail and a solid background of successful comprehensive software projects (SAP, TK, Allianz, IBM, Commerzbank, ...) for mobile and web. A studied business computer scientist with more than 10 years of professional experience, who helps you to create great digital products. 
To get things done, I develop native apps in Swift, preferably in an agile project setup according to SCRUM.

# Skill Focus
iOS Development


iOS Development
  • Native development in Swift and Xcode
  • Using SwiftUI, UIKit, Combine, RxSwift, WatchKit, Alamofire and so much more
  • Reactive Programming (with Combine or RxSwift)
  • Apply MVVM, MVVM-C, MVP
  • Unit Tests, UI Tests, XCTest, TDD
  • Accessibility
  • RESTful APIs, 
  • Xcode, Git, Gitlab, CI/CD, fastlane, Jenkins, Testflight
Web Development
  • Angular, Typescript, JavaScript
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • RxJS, Bootstrap, SASS
  • Firebase Integrations
  • Mockups, Prototyping
  • Usability, Design Thinking
  • Sketch, Zeplin
  • Agile (SCRUM)
  • Jira, Confluence
  • Pair Programming
  • Intercultural Competence
  • Distributed Teams
Team binder and positive thinker! 


10/2023 - bis jetzt
Senior iOS Developer: comdirect photoTAN App -- iOS
Commerzbank AG (Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of a renewed banking authorization app, to approve online banking transactions quickly and securely. Written in native Swift using SwiftUI and UIKit library. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Reactive programming using Apples Combine or RxSwift framework. CI with Git on Atlassian environment. High Unit Tests and UI Tests coverage with XCTest. Agile project setup according to SCRUMBAN.

Swift | SwiftUI | UIKit | RxSwift | Combine | Git | Banking Transactions | SCRUMBAN

04/2023 - 10/2023
Senior Frontend Developer: Kulturpass Storefront App -- Web
SAP SE (Internet und Informationstechnologie, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the storefront web application for the German Kulturpass project. Cultural providers can make their events and cultural products available on the platform. The storefront is the market place for customers to find and order the products. The frontend was implemented with the Angular framework wrappedby the SAP Spartacus extension. Reactive programming by RxJS. Pull Requests via GitHub. We used Figma to interact between Developers and Designers and have a SCRUM based project setup with Jira.

Angular | Typescript | SAP Spartacus | RxJS | Bootstrap | GitHub | Jira | SCRUM

05/2022 - 05/2023
Senior iOS Developer: Corona-Warn App -- iOS
SAP SE (Internet und Informationstechnologie, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the Corona-Warn App with 48 million downloads. One of the central german app solutions to determine whether citizens have had any contact with an infected person which could result in a risk of catching the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Written in native Swift using UIKit framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Reactive programming using Combine framework. Absolutely documented Clean Code and clarity for high maintainability and extensibility. Open Source. High test coverage with Unit Tests and UI Tests. Flexible project setup according to KANBAN. 
iOS | Swift | UIKit | Combine | Git | GitHub | eHealth | Exposure Notification | Vaccination Certificate | Open Source

01/2022 - 04/2022
Senior iOS Developer: DAK App -- iOS
DAK-Gesundheit / BITMARCK (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the new app solution of all-round Digital Processes for the insurance customers of DAK-Gesundheit Health Insurance. Simply Scan & Submit Invoices and certificates super conveniently. Integration of the Health Bonus Program "AktivBonus". Completely barrier-free. Multi User and Multi Device support. Modular implementation via Cocoa Pods modules. Written in native Swift using SwiftUI and UIKit framework. App-wide MVVM and Coordinator design pattern. Mostly end-to-end programming using RxSwift and Combine framework. Absolutely Clean Code documentation and clarity for High Maintainability and extensibility. Very high testing using Unit Tests and UI Tests. Code coverage requirement 90%. Agile project setup according to SCRUM.

iOS | Swift | SwiftUI | RxSwift | Combine | Scanbot SDK | Git | Azure | Scrum | Digital Insurance Services | eHealth | Document Management | Healthcare

02/2020 - 12/2021
Senior iOS Developer: TK-Safe (ePA) / TK-App -- iOS
IBM Deutschland GmbH / Techniker Krankenkasse (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the electronic health record, EHR (Elektronische Patientenakte, ePA) compliant to the comprehensive requirements of the german Federal Ministry of Health. The whole feature module is implemented as own Pod dependency for the TK-App and written in Swift, using MVVM pattern, RxSwift and Combine for reactive programming and a lot of more state-of-the-art technologies. A huge test coverage with unit tests (> 92%) and UI tests ensures the code quality, additional to very strict pull request requirements. The huge team worked in an agile project setup according to SCRUM. The whole development is a co working project between TK and IBM as data holder.

iOS | Swift | RxSwift | Electronic Health Record (EHR, ePA) | Git | GitHub | Jenkins | SCRUM | eHealth | Healthcare | Federal Ministry of Health

09/2019 - 12/2019
Frontend Developer, UX Designer: Digital Diagnostics Wagons App -- Web
DB Cargo AG (Transport und Logistik, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of a web application to digitalize the damage diagnostics of goods wagons. The frontend was implemented with Angular 8, combined with a Redux/NGRX based state and store machine. The design approach was a combination between Corporate Design and Angular Material. We had a weekly design refinement, where my in Sketch designed UX and UI proposals could be discussed. I introduced Zeplin collaboration tool between design and development.

Angular | Typescript | Redux/NGRX | Swagger | Git | SCRUM

10/2018 - 08/2019
Senior iOS Developer: Mobile, Identity & Access App -- iOS & Web
T-Systems International GmbH (Telekommunikation, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Introducing a new IoT solution for car sharing and access. The native iOS app was written in Swift using MVVM pattern for comfortable unit testing with XCTest and ReactiveCocoa for a highly reactiveness. The app could share the car location via GPS. Authorised persons were able to get access to released vehicles, by a push notification and bluetooth based virtual key exchange from Valeo SDK. The distributed team worked in an agile project setup according to SCRUM. I built also a convenient CI/CD with Gitlab, fastlane and Testflight, but also advised for iOS specific usability approaches.

iOS | Swift | Xcode | ReactiveCocoa | Bluetooth | REST | Push Notifications | Digital Key Exchange | Car Sharing | Geolocating | Gitlab | SCRUM | IoT

05/2018 - 09/2018
Senior iOS Developer: Pillenfee App -- iOS
metafinanz Informationssysteme GmbH (Versicherungen, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the Pillenfee app (iOS) for medication plans between patients, doctors, and pharmacies as a new eHealth solution. The native and in Swift programmed app was highly reactive by using RxSwift. The product based on blockchain technique. For the collaboration between iOS and RESTful backend we used OpenAPI from Swagger with Git Submodules. To have clean code every change required a merge request on Gitlab, that we also used for a fastlane based CI. With Testflight we shared prototypes with the stakeholders for a Design Thinking approach and worked in 2-3-weekly SCRUM sprints.

iOS | Swift | RxSwift | Blockchain | REST | Git | Gitlab | fastlane | SCRUM | eHealth | Healthcare

05/2016 - 04/2018
iOS Developer: Allianz Gesundheits-App -- iOS
Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of the new Allianz Gesundheits-App (iOS) for the privately healthcare insured persons. The native app was built from scratch and written in Swift, first by apply MVP pattern and later refactored to MVVM. We worked in a pair programming and TDD approach. To that we used XCTest to write Unit Tests and UI Tests. Almost all features were programmed reactive by using RxSwift. We introduced smart document scanning with automatic edge detection by using OpenCV framework, but also video authentication and worked in two- weekly SCRUM sprints. With our RESTful backend we developed also telemedicine features, like sharing photos of injuries to a remote doctor system.

iOS | Swift | RxSwift | Push Notifications | REST | OpenCV | Document Scanning | Video Authentication | Pair Programming | Git | Pairprogramming | SCRUM | | Telemedicine | eHealth | Healthcare

05/2015 - 04/2016
Frontend Developer: Allianz Kranken Makler System -- Web
Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Support in maintaining of a sales and advisory web application for the private healthcare insurance. The app was written in Javascript by using AngularJS as main framework and we developed new features, like the new Beratungsprotokoll, digital signing, PDF export etc. in a waterfall based project setup.
AngularJS | JavaScript | Java | SVN | Waterfall

08/2014 - 04/2015
Frontend Developer: Allianz Kranken-Tarifwechselberater -- Web
Allianz Private Krankenversicherung AG (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Development of a new web app for the Meine Allianz portal, where the users will be able to change their preferences regarding their own healthcare insurance products. In weekly sprints we developed the app from scratch, based on AngularJS and Javascript and using tools like Grunt.js, Bower, and Node.js.

Angular JS | JavaScript | RESTful API | Git | SCRUM

07/2013 - 12/2013
Frontend Developer: DHL Wareneingangs-Portal -- Web GmbH (Konsumgüter und Handel, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

Introducing of a new PHP based web application for delivery notification, damage logging and clearance prioritisation for the DHL logistics centre. We used Zend Framework, and built client side components with Bootstrap and jQuery.

PHP | Zend Framework | JavaScript | jQuery | Bootstrap | SVN | SCRUM


Weltweit verfügbar
Time Capacity 
Full time

Preferred Project Setup
Remote, partially Onsite

Preferred OnSite Locations
Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt

Sonstige Angaben

Angaben zur Berufshaftpflichtversicherung
Name und Sitz des Versicherers:
Allianz Versicherungs-AG 10900 Berlin
Profilbild von Felix Schmidt Senior iOS & Frontend Developer. Creative Mind. aus Dresden Senior iOS & Frontend Developer. Creative Mind.