Profilbild von Eugen Reinus Senior Software Engineer aus Pulheim

Eugen Reinus


Letztes Update: 18.01.2025

Senior Software Engineer

Firma: Eugen Reinus - Freelancer / IT Consultant -
Abschluss: Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | Englisch (gut) | Russisch (Muttersprache)




Java, SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, Groovy, C#, PHP , Python,
[Dart, Ruby, Go]*,
Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, JEE, JPA, Hibernate,
Toplink/EclipseLink, PHP Symfony,
JMS, REST , SOAP WebServices, TIBCO ESB, [quarkus, Vert.x]*,
Android, JSF/PrimeFaces, Vue.js, Ember .js, GWT , JSP ,
Struts, Swing, Java-Applets, HTML, CSS, [Polymer-JS,
Angular.js, Vaadin, ActionScript/Flex]*,
Elasticsearch, Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL,
Sybase, MS SQL Server, H2, Redis,
Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish, Oracle WebLogic,
Maven, Ant, Gradle,
Git, Subversion, Jenkins, Docker, OpenAPI/Swagger,
JUnit, Selenium, Mockito, JMeter, MapStruct,
IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Android Studio, VS Code,
Google Maps on Android, HERE Maps on Android,
Highcharts-JS, [WebRTC]*
[marker for spare time experience level]*


07/2023 - bis jetzt
Freelancer - Senior Software Engineer
virtual7 GmbH / Project for Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund) Hamburg, Germany (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Worked on the RIKO project
- Maintained and extended a JEE/Spring based risk management
system with a JSF/PrimeFaces frontend and Oracle database
- Except for the daily business as bugfixing and different
requirements implementations this are the most interesting
parts on which i worked on:
◦ worked on the new powerful search architecture with
Elasticsearch involved
◦ migrated some EJB-Services to Spring
◦ migrated RIKO-Application from JBoss-EAP 7.4 to 8.0
together with Spring Boot from 2.7 to 3.3
- Supported developer and test colleagues
- Prepared Jenkins jobs
- Main used technics: JavaEE (JSF/PrimeFaces, EJB, JPA/Hibernate),
Spring Boot, REST-Services, Elasticsearch, Oracle DB,
Maven, Jenkins, Git, IntelliJ IDEA,
Oracle WebLogic JEE Server, JBoss-EAP 7.4, JBoss-EAP 8.0

01/2021 - 06/2023
Freelancer - Senior Software Engineer
GEBIT Solutions GmbH (Konsumgüter und Handel, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development

Project for a DIY store
  • Worked on an ERP system project
  • Implemented requirements and bugfixes on an existing ERP system
  • The ERP system based on a proprietary framework (TREND-Framework), which was used to extend and create GUIs, implement the business logic and test it

Project for a food-retailer/discounter
  • Worked on a checkout/till and related backoffice system
  • Implemented requirements and bugfixes on an existing codebase based on a proprietary framework (TREND-Framework) and tools
  • Main topics were: analyse requirements and bugs, extend and design till process workflows, extend and design reports, extend and design REST and SOAP interfaces for data import/export, code refactoring, define and write integration and unit tests, documentation, release preparation
  • Worked on a Python script for documentation export from proprietary documentation system (TREND/Analyst) to Atlassian-Confluence
  • Supported developer and test colleagues
  • Participated in code reviews
  • Main used technics: Java, proprietary framework (MDA, workflow, persistence, communication, GUI), Maven, Jenkins, PostgreSQL, H2 Database, Git, Eclipse with proprietary framework related plugins, proprietary framework for integration tests (Integrity), proprietary reporting engine, OpenAPI plugin for contract first interface definition, WildFly Application Server

11/2019 - 12/2020
Freelancer - Senior Software Engineer
USU Software AG / Project for Informationstechnikzentrum Bund (ITZBund) (Öffentlicher Dienst, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
  • Worked on the DAC 6 project (DAC 6: EU tax disclosure rules)
  • Designed and implemented an Application based on Spring Batch Jobs to process tax arrangement data
  • Main topics were: technical sub-system design and documentation, generate large XML files (up to 100 MB) with JAXB, implement Oracle PL/SQL Procedures, Reporting SQL Views, different types of tests (Unit-Test; Integration-Tests; System-Tests; Stress-Tests)
  • Developed a WebApplication GUI with JSF/PrimeFaces with strict accessibility requirements especially for blind users
  • Define JUnit and Selenium Web-GUI tests
  • Prepare Jenkins jobs
  • Supported developer colleagues
  • Supported test team
  • Participated in code reviews
  • Main used technics: Spring, Spring Batch, Maven, Oracle, JSF/PrimeFaces, Eclipse

03/2019 - 09/2019
Freelancer - Senior Software Engineer
Plusnet GmbH (Telekommunikation, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
  • Implemented a GUI for a telecommunication carrier incident management system with PHP Symfony-Webframework and Vue.js
  • Supported the backend team on Spring Boot microservices development
  • Designed an external order interface architecture
  • Implemented a GUI for a product configuration system with PHP Symfony-Webframework and JavaScript
  • Main used technics: PHP Symfony-Webframework, Vue.js, Spring Boot, Maven, Oracle, IDEA IntelliJ

09/2014 - 02/2019
Senior Software Engineer
trimplement GmbH (Banken und Finanzdienstleistungen, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Implemented CoreWallet payment gateway integrations for client-specific, local PSPs including corresponding payment method setup and routing
- Implemented a Processing and Routing Engine for Payments
- Implemented client-specific SPAs with Ember.js
- Implemented an SBE test framework and an exhaustive suite of SBE tests for a large client project
- Software engineer on the CoreWallet, balancr and CoreExchange products
- Implemented a highly customizable Sport Event Android App
- Integrated Google Maps and HERE Maps in Android
- Introduced GPS-Tracking and Video Playback
- Integrated Android Push-Notifications with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

04/2014 - 08/2014
Senior Java Developer
AXA Konzern AG (Versicherungen, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Cologne, Germany - Developed on a Deployment/Release Management System (Tomcat/JBoss, GWT)

10/2009 - 03/2014
Senior JEE Software Developer
QSC AG (Telekommunikation, 1000-5000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Developed a Billing System which unified billing data from multiple legacy systems
- Developed a CRM System
- Developed several services and tools for Telecommunication typical scenarios (VPN-, Telephony-/Fax-, Telecommunication Port - Management Systems)

10/2007 - 09/2009
J2EE Software Developer
Atos Origin GmbH (Energie, Wasser und Umwelt, >10.000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Developed Java Applet, Struts and MS Excel VBA Applications for a natural gas exchange platform
- Developed a SOA sub system for message interchange with third-parties (TIBCO ESB, JMS, SOAP WebServices)

10/2005 - 09/2007
J2EE Software Developer
S4M - Solution for Media GmbH (Medien und Verlage, 500-1000 Mitarbeiter)

Software architecture, development
- Developed a highly customizable Billing System for TV-Commercials in context of AdManagement/Sales System
- Developed several Data Import/Export interfaces and tools
- Developed several Data Migration PL/SQL Scripts
- Developed several Report Data Collectors

10/2004 - 07/2005
NET Software Developer
mz robolab GmbH (Industrie und Maschinenbau, < 10 Mitarbeiter)

mz robolab GmbH Software development
Rheinbach, Germany Implemented a Industry Roboter Controlling Application on Windows Embedded CE device

10/2002 - 02/2003
NET Software Developer
Ineas Versicherung GmbH (Versicherungen, 250-500 Mitarbeiter)

Software development
Implemented a Sync Web Tool to German Insurance Association (GDV)


Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland
Grundsätzlich bin ich nur an Projekten in der nähe von Köln (Bonn, Düsseldorf) interessiert. Bei großem Home-Office Anteil wäre es aber kein Problem für einige Tage im Monat auch zu verreisen.
Profilbild von Eugen Reinus Senior Software Engineer aus Pulheim Senior Software Engineer