Profilbild von Cesar Hernndez UX Designer Backend Developer FrontEnd Developer aus SanPedroSula

Cesar Hernández


Letztes Update: 12.12.2017

UX Designer Backend Developer FrontEnd Developer

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (gut) | Spanisch (Muttersprache)




Let me introduce myself...
My Name is Cesar Hernández, I\'m a web developer, web designer and WordPress Developer since 2006.
In this time, i\'ve worked in web projects as a frontend and backend Developer.

Online Portfolio:
You can see my works in the following links:


Organización Publicitaria, S. A,
Programador, Diseñador Web, Wordpress Themes
02.2011 - today
Desarrolo de sitios con plataforma Wordpress

03.2009 - 02.2011
Impartiendo clases de Adobe Flash y Adobe Dreamweaver

Activa! Solutions
Diseñador y Programador Web
04.2007 - 02.2011
Creación y mantenimiento de sitios Web.
Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash, PHP, Wordpress, Joomla, Ilustrator, CSS



Verfügbar in den Ländern Honduras
Remote, Visa Sponsor.

Sonstige Angaben

500+ connections
Involved in Web environment since 2006. Since that time creating experiences through Web Development and Design.

Experience in the following areas:
- UX Design & Prototype:
Design Concept for Web Apps Desktop and Mobile with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Sketch, Flinto, Invision, Framer, Origami, Zeplin, Canvas, Marvel App.
A/B Testings.

- FrontEnd
Design with Frameworks Bootstrap, Foundation. Pre-processors LESS/SASS, jade/Pug. 
Javascript, HML5. Tasks Runner with Gulp, WebPack.

- Backend
Laravel, CakePHP, Symfony, Angular, NodeJS, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, Git, REST API

- Projet Management:
Knowledge and use of Agile methodology like SCRUM & Kanban, Design Thinking.
Profilbild von Cesar Hernndez UX Designer Backend Developer FrontEnd Developer aus SanPedroSula UX Designer Backend Developer FrontEnd Developer