Borys Mizhis

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Letztes Update: 06.09.2022

Senior Software Developer (.NET), Frontend Developer, Product Owner

Firma: Byros Solutions
Abschluss: Master of Science - Informatik
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Russisch (verhandlungssicher)




NET Framework, ASP.NET, C, C++, C#, Kendo UI, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Java, SQL, Java for Android, Swift, UI, Multiprog, TFS, Jira, SCADA, Cloud, Docker, Confluence, Agile Methodologies, SCRUM, Telecommunication, SaaS, REST API


03/2018 - bis jetzt
Product Owner
Swyx Solutions GmbH (Telekommunikation, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)


- Agile planning support and controlling

- Requirement engineering

- Stakeholder management

- Lean product management

11/2017 - 03/2018
Senior Software Developer (.NET)
Swyx Solutions GmbH

Business field : Telecommunication Technologies, SaaS
Position : Senior Software Developer (.NET)

Responsibilities :
- Development of web based IpPbx control and
configuration system
- REST API Development (Cloud Based - SaaS)
- Story creation and splitting
- CleanCode introduction and spreading

07/2012 - 10/2017
Software and Hardware Developer
EEP Elektro-Elektronik Pranjic GmbH

Business field : Mining and automation Technologies
Position : Software and Hardware Developer

Responsibilities :
- Embedded software development
- Hardware development (planning and mind mapping)
- Development of SCADA Systems
- Project Management
- Presales Consultant

11/2010 - 06/2012
Software and Hardware Developer (Student)
EEP Elektro-Elektronik Pranjic GmbH

Business field : Mining and automation Technologies
Position : Software and Hardware Developer (Student)

Responsibilities :
- Web page design and maintenance
- Conception of test and calibration systems


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Profilbild von Borys Mizhis Senior Software Developer (.NET), Frontend Developer,  Product Owner aus CastropRauxel Senior Software Developer (.NET), Frontend Developer, Product Owner