Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, AWS | Cloud | DevOps | Terraform | Docker | CI/CD
nicht verfügbar bis 31.12.2025

Letztes Update: 14.03.2024

AWS | Cloud | DevOps | Terraform | Docker | CI/CD

Firma: Geek Cell GmbH
Abschluss: State certified IT assistant inc. advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife)
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)




AWS Services:
ALB, API Gateway, Auto Scaling, Backup, Budgets, CloudTrail, Cloudfront, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, Control Tower, DynamoDB, EBS, EC2, ECR, ECS, EFS, ElastiCache, ElasticSearch, Fargate, Glacier, IAM, KMS, Landing Zone, Lambda, NLB, RDS, Route53, S3, SES, Secrets Manager, SNS, SSM, VPC, WAF

Development Tools:
Ant, CodeCommit, Cloud-Init, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, Confluence, Docker, Docker-Compose, Git, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, Jira, Make, PHPUnit, Vagrant

Infrastructure Components:
Ansible, Apache2, Cloud-Init, Datadog, Docker, ELK, ElasticSearch, Grafana, LXC, MySQL, NGINX, New Relic, Packer, Prometheus, Redis, Solr, Terraform, Terragrunt

Best Practices
Blue/Green Deployments, CI/CD, Clean Architects, Clean Code, DRY principle, Design Patterns, Immutable Server, KISS principle, RESTful APIs, SOLID principles, Static code analysis, TDD, YAGNI principle


02/2020 - 12/2021
DevOps Engineer
SilverTours GmbH ( (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)


  • Migration of the whole Backoffice system from On-Premise to AWS using a lift, tinker and shift approach
  • Provisioning of new servers and resources using Ansible, Packer and Terraform
  • Migration of an 8TB data archive from On-Premise to AWS EFS including a backup strategy
  • Migration of a 2TB MySQL Cluster using a Master-Slave approach to minimize downtime
  • Planning and maintaining the network connection between AWS and On-Premise, including Direct Connect and Transit Gateway
  • Implementation of traffic encryption for all traffic within and outside the VPC
  • Rebuilding and improving the whole deployment process using GitLab CI/CD and AWS Blue/Green deployments
  • Implementation of monitoring and alerting systems using CloudWatch and New Relic
  • Training of developers to get comfortable with AWS


  • Migration of an On-Site hosted GitLab Omnibus instance to a HA AWS structure using Terraform
  • Setup of a multi node GitLab environment using EC2 instances and Cloud-Init
  • Implementation of scalable Docker based GitLab Runners to speed up CI/CD pipelines
  • Planning and execution of the migration with minimal impact for all development teams


  • Support for 5+ developer teams in all topics related to AWS and DevOps
  • Constantly improving and creating local Docker developer environments
  • Setup and optimization of new and existing CI/CD pipelines for multiple projects
  • Administration for 10+ AWS Accounts and different environments
  • 24/7 On-Call duty for all AWS related services within the company
  • Migration of multiple smaller services to AWS using Terraform and Ansible
  • Designing a reusable and independent repository structure for all Terraform related projects in combination with Terragrunt

07/2018 - 02/2020
Full Stack Developer
SilverTours GmbH ( (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 50-250 Mitarbeiter)


  • Planning and development of customer features in a micro-service based environment
  • Developing and improving RESTful APIs using PHP & Symfony
  • Migration of multiple projects from PHP5 to PHP7


  • 24/7 On-Call duty for multiple HA systems hosted On-Premise
  • Creation and improvement of CI/CD pipelines for various projects

08/2014 - 06/2018
Full Stack Developer
Onveda UG (Internet und Informationstechnologie, 10-50 Mitarbeiter)


  • Core PHP development for multiple eCommerce systems focusing on digital trade goods for the MediaMarktSaturn franchise
  • Creation and maintenance of multiple micro-services
  • Planning and implementation of multiple payment methods
  • Fraud detection, order management and performance optimization
  • Server maintenance for multiple Debian and CentOS servers


  • Development and maintenance for a globally used eProcurement system for Lanxess AG
  • Planning and creating new features in close collaboration with customers
  • Releasing and deploying in an "always available" environment
  • Customer support and communication
  • Troubleshooting and error resolving in external systems


Weltweit verfügbar
Personal preferences:
  • project duration should be a minimum of 3 months or more
  • preferably up to 5 days a week (40 hours)
  • commuting within the Cologne/Düsseldorf area is fine, but remote work is preferred
  • a mix between remote and on-site work is fine (for example, 2 days per week on-site)
Please get in touch with me to talk about project details. In case the project sounds promising I am willing to adjust my preferences.
Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, AWS | Cloud | DevOps | Terraform | Docker | CI/CD AWS | Cloud | DevOps | Terraform | Docker | CI/CD