Profilbild von Andreas Weiss Videoproduktion, Cutter, Editor, Fotograf Kameramann aus GilgenbergamWeilhart

Andreas Weiss


Letztes Update: 27.05.2019

Videoproduktion, Cutter, Editor, Fotograf Kameramann

Firma: 1990
Abschluss: Bachelor of Science, Mulitmedia art and design
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher)


Andreas Weiss is a photographer and filmmaker born in Austria, at home in the world. Since his graduation in Media technology and Design, he is always on the hunt for new adventures. This is how he ended up working in New Zealand, Australia, Nicaragua, Portugal, Morocco and Austria for local business as well as bigger brands such as Audi, Red Bull and BBC. Meeting fascinating people and creating stunning content is what he strives for and keeps him going.
 2013-2016: Mediatechnology & -design (BSc), University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg, Austria
2016: Internship at NZ Greenroom Production, Video production, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand (video production)
June 2016 - Dez 2017: Travelling around the World 
Dez 2017 - August 2018: Camera operator & Cutter at Airos Pictures, Salzburg, Austria
August 2018 - now: Full-time self employed Andreas Weiss is a photographer and filmmaker born in Austria, at home in the world. Since his graduation in Media technology and Design, he is always on the hunt for new adventures. This is how he ended up working in New Zealand, Australia, Nicaragua, Portugal, Morocco and Austria for local business as well as bigger brands such as Audi, Red Bull and BBC. Meeting fascinating people and creating stunning content is what he strives for and keeps him going.
 2013-2016: Mediatechnology & -design (BSc), University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg, Austria
2016: Internship at NZ Greenroom Production, Video production, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand (video production)
June 2016 - Dez 2017: Travelling around the World 
Dez 2017 - August 2018: Camera operator & Cutter at Airos Pictures, Salzburg, Austria
August 2018 - now: Full-time self employed 




Verfügbar in den Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz
Profilbild von Andreas Weiss Videoproduktion, Cutter, Editor, Fotograf Kameramann aus GilgenbergamWeilhart Videoproduktion, Cutter, Editor, Fotograf Kameramann