Profilbild von Emilio Balocchi Process Engineer aus Berlin

Emilio Balocchi


Letztes Update: 03.04.2020

Process Engineer

Abschluss: MSc. Process, Energy, Environmental System Engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (gut) | Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Spanisch (Muttersprache)




I am an Process Engineer with work experience in Berlin in high-tech companies. I propose
automated and quality solutions, focused on goals and process optimization with the ability to
perform simulations, fault analysis, testing and requirements generation. I have finished a Master of
Science in Energy and Process Engineering (energy sector, chemical, power plant engineering and
environmental technology) with main topic in Basic Engineering design. I have knowledge in
Python, Matlab, Aspen, Simulink and I am very enthusiastic about taking courses in IT topics like
machine learning, databases with SQL language, web scraping and Python.



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Profilbild von Emilio Balocchi Process Engineer aus Berlin Process Engineer