Aleksandra Mihajlovic


Letztes Update: 18.10.2013


Abschluss: FILUM, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Professor of Spanish language and Hispanic literature
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (verhandlungssicher) | Italienisch (Grundkenntnisse) | Spanisch (verhandlungssicher) | Serbisch (Muttersprache)


I\'m a translator with more than 6 years of experience in the language combinations Spanish>Serbian and vice versa, Spanish>English and vice versa, English>Serbian and vice versa, specialized in literature & poetry, automotive, engineering, tourism & travel, administration.

I translate with precision and attention to meaning and style. My qualities include excellent concentration and discipline, needed for extended hours of freelance work.

Main working experiences:

*Professor of Spanish language in Creative Center \'KRCKO\' during the year of 2006.

*Translation of short stories from Spanish to Serbian language that are published, with the support of City of Kragujevac, in book called \"Ljubavnici, dinosauri i utvare\", 2007.

*Technical translator (srb>en, en>srb) for \'FIAT Automobili Serbia\', 2010.

*Translator and sales manager in Travel Agency \'KOMPAS\' (for over a year); simultaneous interpreter (srb>en, en>srb) at Belgrade Tourism Fair 2010. and business meetings, presentations

*Translator of technical/architecture documentation (srb>en, en>srb) in Design studio \'Vector system\', march 2011.

*UNHCR- Property Office, administrative assistant and translator (en>srb, srb>en) from may 2011.- present


Short stories published in a book:
"Ljubavnici, dinosauri i utvare'
*book available upon request
Duration: Dec 2006. to Jan 2007.
Spanish to Serbian

Monograph "City of Kragujevac"
Duration: Jun 2010. to Jul 2010.
Serbian to Spanish

Technical Documents for "FIAT", Italian automobile manufacturer
Duration: Feb 2010. to April 2010.
English to Serbian
*translation available upon request


Verfügbar in den Ländern Serbien
available every day after 5 pm Central European Time
Profilbild von Aleksandra Mihajlovic Translator aus KragujevacSerbia Translator