SAP FI/CO Consultant (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt Azure/Finance

Hannover  ‐ Vor Ort
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Servicenow Microsoft Azure Business Software Change Management Beratung Datenqualität Disaster Recovery Finanzen SAP Applications Sap Fi/Co Firewalls



Due to adjustments and extension of policies from the customer there is a risk that multiple applications may not be meeting the requirements and the respective aspects have to be reviewed and adjusted so to meet the standard defined by the policies. The final goal is to have all applications reviewed, documented and compliant with the customer standards.


Independently interviewing Business Application Owners* in weekly remote meetings with the aim of collecting and documentation their functional requirements on changes & updates to be delivered through the ServiceNow repository for FinTec related applications (Lifecycle changes, Firewall requests, Change Requests setup, Service Transition checklists checks) by taking into consideration information provided by the customer in advance based on own knowledge and experience

Independently interviewing (weekly remote meeting) FinTec Services Coordinator* with the aim of collecting and documentation his functional requirements on changes & updates to be delivered through the ServiceNow repository for FinTec related applications by taking into consideration information provided by the customer in advance based on own knowledge and experience

Independently interviewing (weekly remote meeting) the Security Officer* with the aim of collecting and documentation his functional requirements on changes & updates to be delivered through ServiceNow repository for FinTec related applications (Data protection classification, Disaster Recovery Plans & Tests, Data Deletion concepts, Security concepts) by taking into consideration information provided by the customer in advance based on own knowledge and experience

Analysis of the functional requirements and estimation of complexity of the implementation (time, effort, needed skills) for the purpose of definition of possible implementation plans based on own evaluation and expertise

Development of possible implementation plans in the form of decision papers based on all steps related to the functional requirements review & analysis and presentation to the FinTec Solutions manager (online meeting) for a sign-off

Implementation of the selected plan approved by the FinTec Solutions manager according to the presented timeline and quality gates, based on own expertise

Review of the Data Quality of the FinTec Solutions applications in the ServiceNow on a weekly basis and presentation of the outcome to the FinTec solutions manager for definition of needed updates and adjustments with the aim of reaching correct data entries in the ServiceNow

Review of the status of Incidents & changes in ServiceNow on a weekly basis and presentation (online meeting) of the status to the FinTec Solutions Manager with the aim of identifying SLA breaches (automated setting in ServiceNow)

The Customer is looking for the FinTec Solutions project a consulting service for the area of Finance.

Must Have: general technological skill (SAP, Azure) and ability to analyze non-SAP solutions

Nice to have: German is an advantage.

Über den Auftraggeber

Start: ASAP

Ende: 31.12.2025

Auslastung: 100%

Standort: Hannover

keine Angabe
Circle8 Deutschland
Sofian Baklouti
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