Profilbild von Mykola Makohin Ruby on Rails Developer/JavaScript/Full Stack aus

Mykola Makohin


Letztes Update: 12.12.2018

Ruby on Rails Developer/JavaScript/Full Stack

Firma: Insilico Soft
Abschluss: Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.), Computer science |
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: englisch (verhandlungssicher) | russisch (verhandlungssicher) | ukrainisch (Muttersprache)


Capistrano Jquery Javascript Ruby On Rails CSS Datenbanken Ruby Gulp.Js Html5 Bootstrap + 18 weitere Schlagwörter anzeigen


Ruby on Rails developer 3+ years experience. Organized, communicative and strive for high quality of final products.

Ruby: RoRdevise, activeadmin, sidekiq, ckeditor, aasm, capistrano, i18n, cancancan, rolify,globalize,acts-as-taggable-on
paperclip, will_paginate, kaminari, oauth2,devise_invitable,rolify,cancancan,f,dotenv-rails,whenever,recaptcha,stripe,pay-pal,liqpay
Testing: RoRRspec,Faker,Factory-girl,database-cleaner,capybara,simlecov,timecop,rails-controller-testing,shoulda-matchers,site-prism
Deploy: Nginx,dalli_store,capistrano,capistrano-rails,capistrano-rvm,capistrano-puma,capistrano-bundler,capistrano-sidekiq
Refactoring: RoRRubocop,byebug,web-console,bullet,better-errors
Frontend-libraries: Font-awesome,select-2,jquery-validation,owl-carousel,gritter,full-calendar,autoprefixer,jquery-turbolinks,underscore.js,moment.js

JavaScript : (middle, 2 years) Jquery, es5, es6, Jquery-UI,Gulp,Webpack,Babel
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
Front end skill: HTML5, CSS3, SASS/SCSS, Twitter Bootstrap(3-4) ,Materialize,Semantic-UI,Foundation,Admin-LTE



1)Successfully finished website “Dem-Aliance”
The following technologies were used: HTML5 stack (+ Bootstrap) with some JS for more adaptivity.

2) Took part in the developing of the following websites: Web platform for learning foreign languages for education center YOLO
The on-line platform with personal cabinet for students and teachers and interactive classroom for activities.
The following technologies were used: Ruby on Rails 5.0, PostgreSQL, Devise, Facebook, Twitter Oauth, Liqpay Payments, Mailgun, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Ckeditor

  • Payment system integration
  • Social media integration
  • Customized admin panel for administration and full control of the application
  • Video conversations via BigBlueButtton technology
  • BigBlueButtton integration

3) Took part in the development of online job searching platform for students. “ HireJoy”
The following technologies were used: Ruby on Rails 5.0, Solr, PostgreSQL, Devise, Stripe, Mailgun, gmaps4rails.

4) Developed e-commerce platform for restaurant chain Leybova Family.

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Geocomplete, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS/SASS, Foundation, jQuery, actioncable, Liqpay Payments.

  • On-line food order
  • Payment system integration
  • Social media integration
  • Modern Google material design
  • Customized admin panel for administration and full control of the application

5) Developed web-platform for NGO “Justice for Peace”

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Solr, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, gmaps4rails.

  • Payment system integration
  • Social media integration
  • Modern Google material design
  • Meeting management – holding meetings, calculating vote results, generating .pdf protocols
  • Users’ live chat


Verfügbar in den Ländern Ukraine
30 hours per week
Profilbild von Mykola Makohin Ruby on Rails Developer/JavaScript/Full Stack aus Ruby on Rails Developer/JavaScript/Full Stack