Kinga Budai


Letztes Update: 01.11.2022

Software Engineer, Software Engineer, Software Engineer

Firma: KBK
Abschluss: Master in Software Engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: deutsch (Grundkenntnisse) | englisch (Muttersprache) | rumänisch (Muttersprache) | ungarisch (Muttersprache)




client-server, Java JDK 1.8, Spring, PostGreSQL, MySql, Elastic Search, Kibana, JUnit, Groovy, Maven, iBatis, JProfiler, YourKit, java, Database design, analytics, Jenkins, System design, microservices, APIs, Machine Learning, algorithm, angular, Scrum, Agile methodologies, client server architecture, C#, gradle, ant, web application, JDBC, Rundeck for deployment, Postman, JDK 1.8, Google guava, Jackson, Windows operating system, Design patterns, DAO, DTO objects, Java core, multithreading, JMH, Agile, Gson, serialization, Tibco - TibRV, Unix operating system, Javascript, Html, Android, Windows, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, mailing, ECL, agile methods, scrum master, programming, Microsoft Office, ECDL


09/2018 - 05/2019
Software Engineer

* Post-trade application based on client server architecture used for reporting
* Technical background: Java JDK 1.8, JUnit, C#, gradle, ant, Jenkins
* Agile methodologies for teamwork

07/2018 - 09/2018
Software Engineer

* Robust web application based on microservices that allows analysis of regions, countries
based on different outbreaks, events, pathogens - mainly used for insurance
* Technical background: microservices, Play framework, JDBC, JUnit, Rundeck for
deployment, Jenkins, Postman for request generation, JDK 1.8, Google guava, Jackson,
Agile methodologies for teamwork, Windows operating system. Design patterns: DAO, DTO
objects, Observer, Factory, Strategy, Singleton

10/2014 - 06/2018
Software Engineer
Tora Trading Services

Site: http://www.toratradingservices.com/
* Software Engineer - Java developer Green Team - one of the core teams - development on
* Trading application to implement order management, communication using fix protocol,
compliance definitions
* Technical background: Java core, JDK 1.8, multithreading, JMH for profiling, Jenkins, JUnit,
Agile methodologies for teamwork, Google guava, Gson for serialization, Tibco - TibRV for
communication and message interchange, Unix operating system. Design patterns:
Observer, Factory, Strategy, Singleton


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Profilbild von Kinga Budai Software Engineer, Software Engineer, Software Engineer aus ClujNapoca Software Engineer, Software Engineer, Software Engineer