Profilbild von EwertonTiago deAzevedoMoreira PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Booststrap, Jquery  aus

Ewerton Tiago de Azevedo Moreira


Letztes Update: 06.01.2017

PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Booststrap, Jquery

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: deutsch (gut) | englisch (verhandlungssicher) | portugiesisch (Muttersprache) | spanisch (Grundkenntnisse)


During all my life I have been involved in voluntary work. I believe in the power of equality and how faster we are able to grow as community living in a less unequal system.
The most important work I have done in this area was at the first construction in Rio de Janeiro being part of the TETO logistic team in 2013. A life changing experience that showed me the importance of solidarity and how small acts can change lives.
I always wanted be part of something big, something that would change other people’s lives, something that would bring happiness and make the world a better place. That is the main reason why I am giving part of my time to volunteer.
Since I was very young I had a goal: Creating my own company. And at age of 16 I started my journey as entrepreneur helping to found VISION Brazil, a company that aimed to create and produce identification cards and resell Time Clocks. A humble start but a huge step on the construction of my professional career. No previous knowledge just courage and creativity to make changes and take risks.


Co-founder of my first company at the age of 16.
Passionate about business, entrepreneurship and self-development.
TETO Brasil Volunteer.
Participation in the first construction in Rio de Janeiro - TETO Brasil
JCI Member (Junior Chamber International)
JCI Presenter course
JCI Chapter Administration - ADM
Easy math with computers workshop - Faculdade de Tecnologia Norte-Fluminense

More about JCI:



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Profilbild von EwertonTiago deAzevedoMoreira PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Booststrap, Jquery  aus PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, Booststrap, Jquery