Profilbild von Niaz Mohyuddin Softwareentwickler im Bereich C/C++, Windows, Linux und Android aus Karlsruhe

Niaz Mohy-ud-din


Letztes Update: 01.02.2014

Softwareentwickler im Bereich C/C++, Windows, Linux und Android

Abschluss: nicht angegeben
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: deutsch (verhandlungssicher) | englisch (verhandlungssicher)


- Intrapreneurial Skills: Co-initiated and led a large offshore development operation for my employer resulting in a range of popular end-user products now having over 200 million users.
- Leadership: Held overall responsibility for a total of 2000,000 euros budget and 30 direct reports.
- Client Relationship Skills: Over the period of nine years acquired several big contracts totaling over 35,000 person days.
- Hands-on Skills: Software Architect and Engineer for several Nero products, Expert of C, C++, Visual C++, STL, COM, MFC, multi-threading, cloud storage, Windows, Linux and Android.


Nero Development & Services GmbH,, Karlsbad, Germany


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Profilbild von Niaz Mohyuddin Softwareentwickler im Bereich C/C++, Windows, Linux und Android aus Karlsruhe Softwareentwickler im Bereich C/C++, Windows, Linux und Android