Johannes Link

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Letztes Update: 07.02.2022

Co-founder and CTO, consultant and coach, Chief Application Developer

Abschluss: Dipl. Inf. Med.
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: k. A.


Extreme Programming, Test-driven Development, Property-based Testing, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Groovy, Python, HTML, CSS, React, Angular, SpringBoot, JUnit, jqwik, NUnit, MS Test, Spock, Jasmine, Karma, Selenium/WebDriver, FitNesse, Cucumber, Continuous integration, Git, Gradle, Docker, Maven



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Profilbild von Johannes Link Co-founder and CTO, consultant and coach, Chief Application Developer aus Heidelberg Co-founder and CTO, consultant and coach, Chief Application Developer