Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Frontend Developer & Consultant Based in Amsterdam

Letztes Update: 21.02.2018

Frontend Developer & Consultant Based in Amsterdam

Abschluss: BS Software Engineering
Stunden-/Tagessatz: anzeigen
Sprachkenntnisse: englisch (verhandlungssicher) | portugiesisch (Muttersprache) | spanisch (verhandlungssicher)


  • Single-Page Applications
  • Responsive Design
  • HTML5
  • CSS3 & Preprocessors
  • PHP
  • OOP & MVC
  • Efficiency, scalability and reusability
  • Scrum
  • SQL & NoSQL
  • Objective-C and a bit of Swift
  • Grunt, Gulp, Bower, CocoaPods
  • Windows, OSX, Linux
  • Javascript & jQuery
  • AngularJS, Angular2 - 5, React
  • Node.js, Express
  • Front & Back-end Development
  • AB Tests
  • RESTful APIs and Webservices
  • AWS (S3, EC2, Dynamo) & Heroku
  • Git & SVN
  • SEO and Analytics
  • Continuous Integration
  • Basic TDD
  • Redis
  • Apache & Nginx


- Chaordic (JS / Full Stack Developer)
As a Full Stack Developer here, I am working for the main product team.
Responsible for delivering our SaaS product to millions of users across over 90 Ecommerces in Brazil and Latin America. Most of the biggest Ecommerces in Brazil using this solution, means hard work on caching, code performance, well written tests and coding. Always aware of keeping a good coding pattern across all the software technologies.    

Chaordic is the leader company in Brazil as an E-commerce Recommendation System, using artificial intelligence, data mining and machine
learning to create product recommendation and E-commerce customization.


- True Winter Studios (Front and Back End Developer)
Developed all sort of websites, blogs and systems, mostly integrated with Wordpress.

- UpSurge Media Group (Front and Back End Developer)
Developed tools to manage all sort of affiliate marketing websites. Developed lightweight solutions for ecommerces backend with PHP, CodeIgniter and Laravel. Developed a XMPP solution for internal, private and secure messaging, using Openfire. Systems with phone integration and voice recognition and SMS using Twilio. Payment integration with all sort of payment gateway such as Stripe and Paypal.


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Profilbild von Anonymes Profil, Frontend Developer & Consultant Based in Amsterdam Frontend Developer & Consultant Based in Amsterdam